Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thanks Bros...

click on image to enlarge. NO, REALLY, do your eyeballs a favor AND ENLARGE THIS.  Seriously.

You know in the 17 weeks this thing runs, I would say that I easily have over 100 hours of my time invested in this thing. And by about the 12th round I start telling myself I'm gonna shut it down and not hassle with it anymore. But, for some reason after it's over, I feel a bit bummed. In any case, I'd just like to thank you guys for taking the time to participate and for putting up with my calls and e-mails and hopefully you'll give a shot again next year.

Scroll down to check out the Las Vegas scores and the 2012 Overall scores as well.

Annnd... I'm Audi S4 with the Drive Select Package until next year. Come on 2013...

Las Vegas Scores...

you owe it to yourself to enlarge this, it may be the finest photograph ever taken.

There were the proverbial 'shit load' of points up for grabs at this one (15 for an exact and 25 for the 10th placer).

And... one man steeled himself like no other, a man who offered no mercy nor asked for any in return. A man who stares obstacles and difficulty in the face and scoffs. A man who simply gives no fucks. A man born under an orange moon. Maurice.

Maurie pretty much caned everyone at this round. Tim stays really consistent (yet again) and does himself no harm and winds up with 2nd this week. Donny manages to form sentences through a drunken haze and implements a 3rd place team.

1. MOreofthatplease - 170 points/ 10 exacts and 4 top fives.
2. thermann - 145 points/ 7 exacts and 8 top fives.
3. dr336g - 125 points/ 6 exacts and 7 top fives.
4. HQ - 120 points/ 5 exacts and 9 top fives.
4. Kenner - 120 points/ 5 exacts and 9 top fives.
5. StarJay - 85 points/ 4 exacts and 5 top fives.
6. JasonChief - zero
6. MotoMax - zilch
6. Boxcar - nada
6. dugh - naught

Sometimes shit just don't go your way...

The Caboose Award goes to that 'special' someone that finishes last. This year's recipient- Boxcar, is really building a legacy here that will be hard to replicate, he's finished last 4 out the last 5 years we've done this. Those are Hall of Fame numbers my friends. Maybe next year we'll change the 'Caboose' to the 'Boxcar' in his honor.

Long live Steve! Que Viva!

Meanwhile at the Woempner intramural competition...

Jay takes the Crown here! Admittedly he was helped by Jason and Max both dropping out. But hey, a win is a win! So enjoy lording your superiority over your sibling and your offspring for the next year Jay! Wonder which Woempner will win Woempnercross next year?

1. JayStar - 735 points
2. JasonChief - 685 points
3. MotoMax - 675 points

Final Overall Scores...

for the love of all things holy, whatever you do, don't enlarge this.

Consistency, perseverance, industriousness, all these words could describe this year's Overall Chicken Fried Steak Championship Champion - thermann!

Enjoy your reign Mr. Herman, you earned it! That pansy Maurice takes 2nd and D.Reed rallies towards the end to capture 3rd, congratulations gentlemen.

In other, somewhat related news. Get your affairs in order and make peace with your God, 'cause if Tim winning something, isn't a sign of the impending apocalypse, I don't know what is...

1. thermann - 910 points
2. MOvin' all the time - 875 points
3. dr336g - 865 points
4. HQ - 860 points
4. KBK167 - 860 points
5. StarJay - 735 points
6. JasonChief - 685 points
7. MotoMax - 675 points
8. Dugged - 650 points
9. Boxcar - 610 points

Good luck to you all next year!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Las Vegas rider list...

For this round pick five 450 dudes, plus the 10th place 450 dude guy. Then pick five 250 East guys. Then pick five 250 West guys. Then pick five guys for the 250 East/West shootout. Thanks Brah.

450's -
The Contenders - Dungey, Brayton, Milsaps, Weimer,  Short,  M.Alessi,, Metcalfe, Tickle, Izzi
The Challengers - Albertson, Chisholm, Wey, Gilmore, Thomas,  Goerke, Peick, Regal, Bowers, Blose, J. Alessi
The Injured -  Ryan Villopoto, done knee.K-Dub, broke the fuck off. Stewart, busted wrist and general buuhurtiness, Austin Stroupe, general hurtiness. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Hill, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250 East -
The Contenders - Barcia, Roczen, Canada, Baggett, Wharton, M.Stewart, Lemoine, Bogle, Cunningham
The Challengers - Martin, Smith, Vincent, Sewell, Weeck, Hewitt, Hackley, D. Tedder, Lipanovich, Rife, Nicoletti, Cantanzaro
The injured - Darryn Durham, tweaked shoulder. Jimmy DeCotis, busted something or other. Gannon Audette, busted wrist.

250 West -
The Contenders - Musquin, Tomac, Wilson, Hahn, Anderson, Davalos, Laninovich, Moss, Ingalls
The Challengers - Friese, Maier, M.Tedder, Champion, Marmont, Paluzzi, Rusk, Plouffe, Tillford
The Injured - Travis Baker, concussed. Cole Seely, ruptured guts an' stuff. Bryce Vallee, broke the fuck off, two broken femurs. Yiles. Ryan Sipes, broken wrist. Tyla Rattray, broke neck. Christian Craig, out for wrist surgery. D.Tedder, broken wrist.

There's a new point structure for the four mains (450 main, 250 East main, 250 West main and the 250 East/West shootout) at Las Vegas - 5 points for a top five (same), 15 for an exact pick and 25 points for the 10th place 450 guy.

Ah, Las Vegas, please have a great time, those of you that went. 'Hey buddy...'

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

SLC scores...

First off, last week Jason and Maurice tied for the win and apparently I did not fellate them vigorously or enthusiastically enough, so, my apologies guys, YOU'RE GREAT AND HAVE BIG WIENERS AND ARE OTHERWISE SUPER AWESOME! Now onto this week, Donny wins! And also has a wiener (probably)! And could at some point maybe, perhaps, also be awesome!

There's a new point structure for the four mains (450 main, 250 East main, 250 West main and the 250 East/West shootout) at Las Vegas - 5 points for a top five (same), 15 for an exact pick and 25 points for the 10th place 450 guy. So they'll be a buttload of points up for grabs. Bon Chance.

1. dr336g - 60 points/ 4 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. HQ - 50 points/ 4 exacts, 2 top fives.
3. MO - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
3. KBK - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
4. MotoMax - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
4. dugh - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
4. thermann - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
5. RatsJay - 35 points/ 2 exacts, 3 top fives.
5. JasonChief - 35 points/ 1 exact, 5 top fives.
6. Boxcar - 30 points/ 1 exact, 4 top fives.

Overall Totals

Things look good. There's a FUCKLOAD of points up for grabs this week. As it sits now Tim only has a 25 point lead going into the last round and it looks like there could be four others (maybe six) that could take this thing from thermann. And could it be possible that Steve the 2 time quitter could catch Doug or Jay? Who could say? So onto Las Vegas, let's see who wins this thing.

1. thermann - 765 points (1 win)
2. HQ - 740 points (2 wins)
2. dr336g - 740 points (4 wins)
2. KBK167 - 740 (4 wins)
3. MOrice - 705 (2 wins)
4. JasonChief - 685 points (3 wins)
5. MotoMax - 675 points (1 win)
6. StarJay - 650 points (1 win)
6. Dooglie - 650 points ( 3 wins)
7. Boxcar - 610 points (1 win)