Please enjoy a screen capture from the 80's SEMENial homo-erotic classic "Barebacking Puerto Rican Hardboys 3"...

Soft lights, satin sheets, Cheetos, Diet Coke and Passionfruit lube...
450's -
The Contenders - Alessi, Byrne, Canard, Dungey, Reed, Short, Stewart, Stroupe, Tedesco, Villopoto, Windham
The Challengers - Blose, Freise, Peick, Chisholm, Regal, Wey, Simmonds, Partridge, Byrne, Izoird,
The Injured - Albertson, Boni, Brayton's a maybe for St. Louis (back), Grant, Hill, Metcalfe, Millsaps is a maybe for St. Louis (wrist),Weimer
250's -
The Contenders - Anderson, Baggett, Barcia, Lemoine, Martin, R.Sipes, M. Stewart, Vincent, Wilson, Wharton
The Challengers - Gosselaar, Rife, Audette, Izzi, Catanzaro, Futrell, Kilbarger, J.Sipes, Smith, Hewitt, Keylon, Renner
The Injured - Durham, P.J. Larsen, I. Trettel (in a coma)
Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.
Good luck in St. Louis...
You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team