Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thanks Bros...

click on image to enlarge. NO, REALLY, do your eyeballs a favor AND ENLARGE THIS.  Seriously.

You know in the 17 weeks this thing runs, I would say that I easily have over 100 hours of my time invested in this thing. And by about the 12th round I start telling myself I'm gonna shut it down and not hassle with it anymore. But, for some reason after it's over, I feel a bit bummed. In any case, I'd just like to thank you guys for taking the time to participate and for putting up with my calls and e-mails and hopefully you'll give a shot again next year.

Scroll down to check out the Las Vegas scores and the 2012 Overall scores as well.

Annnd... I'm Audi S4 with the Drive Select Package until next year. Come on 2013...

Las Vegas Scores...

you owe it to yourself to enlarge this, it may be the finest photograph ever taken.

There were the proverbial 'shit load' of points up for grabs at this one (15 for an exact and 25 for the 10th placer).

And... one man steeled himself like no other, a man who offered no mercy nor asked for any in return. A man who stares obstacles and difficulty in the face and scoffs. A man who simply gives no fucks. A man born under an orange moon. Maurice.

Maurie pretty much caned everyone at this round. Tim stays really consistent (yet again) and does himself no harm and winds up with 2nd this week. Donny manages to form sentences through a drunken haze and implements a 3rd place team.

1. MOreofthatplease - 170 points/ 10 exacts and 4 top fives.
2. thermann - 145 points/ 7 exacts and 8 top fives.
3. dr336g - 125 points/ 6 exacts and 7 top fives.
4. HQ - 120 points/ 5 exacts and 9 top fives.
4. Kenner - 120 points/ 5 exacts and 9 top fives.
5. StarJay - 85 points/ 4 exacts and 5 top fives.
6. JasonChief - zero
6. MotoMax - zilch
6. Boxcar - nada
6. dugh - naught

Sometimes shit just don't go your way...

The Caboose Award goes to that 'special' someone that finishes last. This year's recipient- Boxcar, is really building a legacy here that will be hard to replicate, he's finished last 4 out the last 5 years we've done this. Those are Hall of Fame numbers my friends. Maybe next year we'll change the 'Caboose' to the 'Boxcar' in his honor.

Long live Steve! Que Viva!

Meanwhile at the Woempner intramural competition...

Jay takes the Crown here! Admittedly he was helped by Jason and Max both dropping out. But hey, a win is a win! So enjoy lording your superiority over your sibling and your offspring for the next year Jay! Wonder which Woempner will win Woempnercross next year?

1. JayStar - 735 points
2. JasonChief - 685 points
3. MotoMax - 675 points

Final Overall Scores...

for the love of all things holy, whatever you do, don't enlarge this.

Consistency, perseverance, industriousness, all these words could describe this year's Overall Chicken Fried Steak Championship Champion - thermann!

Enjoy your reign Mr. Herman, you earned it! That pansy Maurice takes 2nd and D.Reed rallies towards the end to capture 3rd, congratulations gentlemen.

In other, somewhat related news. Get your affairs in order and make peace with your God, 'cause if Tim winning something, isn't a sign of the impending apocalypse, I don't know what is...

1. thermann - 910 points
2. MOvin' all the time - 875 points
3. dr336g - 865 points
4. HQ - 860 points
4. KBK167 - 860 points
5. StarJay - 735 points
6. JasonChief - 685 points
7. MotoMax - 675 points
8. Dugged - 650 points
9. Boxcar - 610 points

Good luck to you all next year!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Las Vegas rider list...

For this round pick five 450 dudes, plus the 10th place 450 dude guy. Then pick five 250 East guys. Then pick five 250 West guys. Then pick five guys for the 250 East/West shootout. Thanks Brah.

450's -
The Contenders - Dungey, Brayton, Milsaps, Weimer,  Short,  M.Alessi,, Metcalfe, Tickle, Izzi
The Challengers - Albertson, Chisholm, Wey, Gilmore, Thomas,  Goerke, Peick, Regal, Bowers, Blose, J. Alessi
The Injured -  Ryan Villopoto, done knee.K-Dub, broke the fuck off. Stewart, busted wrist and general buuhurtiness, Austin Stroupe, general hurtiness. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Hill, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250 East -
The Contenders - Barcia, Roczen, Canada, Baggett, Wharton, M.Stewart, Lemoine, Bogle, Cunningham
The Challengers - Martin, Smith, Vincent, Sewell, Weeck, Hewitt, Hackley, D. Tedder, Lipanovich, Rife, Nicoletti, Cantanzaro
The injured - Darryn Durham, tweaked shoulder. Jimmy DeCotis, busted something or other. Gannon Audette, busted wrist.

250 West -
The Contenders - Musquin, Tomac, Wilson, Hahn, Anderson, Davalos, Laninovich, Moss, Ingalls
The Challengers - Friese, Maier, M.Tedder, Champion, Marmont, Paluzzi, Rusk, Plouffe, Tillford
The Injured - Travis Baker, concussed. Cole Seely, ruptured guts an' stuff. Bryce Vallee, broke the fuck off, two broken femurs. Yiles. Ryan Sipes, broken wrist. Tyla Rattray, broke neck. Christian Craig, out for wrist surgery. D.Tedder, broken wrist.

There's a new point structure for the four mains (450 main, 250 East main, 250 West main and the 250 East/West shootout) at Las Vegas - 5 points for a top five (same), 15 for an exact pick and 25 points for the 10th place 450 guy.

Ah, Las Vegas, please have a great time, those of you that went. 'Hey buddy...'

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

SLC scores...

First off, last week Jason and Maurice tied for the win and apparently I did not fellate them vigorously or enthusiastically enough, so, my apologies guys, YOU'RE GREAT AND HAVE BIG WIENERS AND ARE OTHERWISE SUPER AWESOME! Now onto this week, Donny wins! And also has a wiener (probably)! And could at some point maybe, perhaps, also be awesome!

There's a new point structure for the four mains (450 main, 250 East main, 250 West main and the 250 East/West shootout) at Las Vegas - 5 points for a top five (same), 15 for an exact pick and 25 points for the 10th place 450 guy. So they'll be a buttload of points up for grabs. Bon Chance.

1. dr336g - 60 points/ 4 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. HQ - 50 points/ 4 exacts, 2 top fives.
3. MO - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
3. KBK - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
4. MotoMax - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
4. dugh - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
4. thermann - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
5. RatsJay - 35 points/ 2 exacts, 3 top fives.
5. JasonChief - 35 points/ 1 exact, 5 top fives.
6. Boxcar - 30 points/ 1 exact, 4 top fives.

Overall Totals

Things look good. There's a FUCKLOAD of points up for grabs this week. As it sits now Tim only has a 25 point lead going into the last round and it looks like there could be four others (maybe six) that could take this thing from thermann. And could it be possible that Steve the 2 time quitter could catch Doug or Jay? Who could say? So onto Las Vegas, let's see who wins this thing.

1. thermann - 765 points (1 win)
2. HQ - 740 points (2 wins)
2. dr336g - 740 points (4 wins)
2. KBK167 - 740 (4 wins)
3. MOrice - 705 (2 wins)
4. JasonChief - 685 points (3 wins)
5. MotoMax - 675 points (1 win)
6. StarJay - 650 points (1 win)
6. Dooglie - 650 points ( 3 wins)
7. Boxcar - 610 points (1 win)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Salt Lake City rider list...

450's -
The Contenders - Dungey, Brayton, Milsaps, Roczen. Weimer,  Short,  M.Alessi,, Metcalfe, Tickle, Izzi
The Challengers - Albertson, Chisholm, Wey, Gilmore, Thomas,  Goerke, Peick, Regal, Bowers, Blose, J. Alessi
The Injured -  Ryan Villopoto, done knee.K-Dub, broke the fuck off. Stewart, busted wrist and general buuhurtiness, Austin Stroupe, general hurtiness. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Hill, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250 West -
The Contenders - Musquin, Seely, Tomac, Wilson, Anderson, Davalos, Baker, Laninovich, Moss,
The Challengers - Friese, Swanepol, Maier, M.Tedder, Champion, Marmont, Paluzzi, Rusk, 
The Injured - Bryce Vallee, broke the fuck off, two broken femurs. Yiles. Ryan Sipes, broken wrist. Tyla Rattray, broke neck. Christian Craig, out for wrist surgery. D.Tedder, broken wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Salt Lake City's flat and grey. Drove a non street legal Rally car through town, that thing was SO loud it was ridiculous.

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Seattle totals...

1. Jason - 55 points
1. Maurice - 55 points
2. HQ - 45 points
3. Ken - 40 points
3. Tim - 40 points
3. Donny - 40 points
4. Jay - 35 points
4. Doug - 35 points
5. Maurice - 30 points
5. Max - 30 points
5. Steve - 30 points

Overall totals

1. Tim - 725 points (1 win)
2. Ken - 695 points (4 wins)
3. HQ - 690 points (2 wins)
4. Donny - 680 points (3 wins)
5. MO - 660 points (2 wins)
6. Jason - 650 points (3 wins)
7. Max - 635 points (1 wins)
8. Jay - 615 points (1 win)
9. Doug - 610 points (3 wins)
10. Steve. - 580 points (1 win)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Seattle rider list...

Double D (initials not cup size 'ya pre-verts) rockin' some Bourbon Street beads.

The Dunge is back in for this one. Roczen's gonna be runnin' a 350 in the SX class against the big boys tonight. Gavin Faith's riding Stewart's JGR 450 for the next three rounds and Chris Blose is Back on a Ti-Lube Kawi (dark horse 10th place pick).

The West fires back up tonight and we find out whether Tomac's time off because of his broken elbow affect's him or if Wilson's the real deal and put's this thing on lock. Will Seely's time on the Factory Honda 450 pay off and he sneaks a win tonight? Who knows.

450's -
The Contenders - Villopoto, Dungey, Brayton, Milsaps, Roczen. Weimer,  Short,  M.Alessi,, Metcalfe, Tickle, Izzi
The Challengers - Albertson, Chisholm, Wey, Gilmore, Thomas,  Goerke, Peick, Regal, Bowers, Blose, J. Alessi
The Injured - K-Dub, broke the fuck off. Stewart, busted wrist and general buuhurtiness, Austin Stroupe, general hurtiness. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Hill, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250's -
The Contenders - Musquin, Seely, Tomac, Wilson, Anderson, Davalos, Baker, Laninovich, Moss,
The Challengers - Friese, Swanepol, Maier, M.Tedder, Champion, Marmont, Paluzzi, Rusk, 
The Injured - Bryce Vallee, broke the fuck off, two broken femurs. Yiles. Ryan Sipes, broken wrist. Tyla Rattray, broke neck. Christian Craig, out for wrist surgery. D.Tedder, broken wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Seattle's awesome, love that place. Made sweet amor there while wearing a bear costume (without the head) once (well, three times) to a a lovely Norwegian. XOXO Katrine.

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Friday, April 20, 2012

New Orleans Scores...

This Double D wins his first SX.

Weston Peick was a popular 10th place choice this week. Jason wins the 'Most Novel Picks' award this week. Chief had Hansen, Tedesco and Hackley on his roster. You're really swingin' for the fences there Jason. I think Steve's quit. He's run the same team for the last 3 weeks, we'll see what he does this week as we swing back West.

This week's polling garnered the following information - 33% of those polled felt Maurie was a jerk and wouldn't win a round this season. While 67% of those polled felt that genital crabs would be preferable to a M.Gyenes win.

Poll numbers don't always predict the outcome, Maurice wins for the first time this season (sonofabitch!).

1. MissGyenes - 50 points/ 3 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. KBKer - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
2. thermann - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
2. TheHQ - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
3. Boxcar - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
3. dr336g - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
4. MotoMax - 35 points/ 1 exact, 5 top fives.
4. Dugh - 35 points/ 1 exact, 5 top fives.
5. JasonChief - 30 points/ 2 exacts, 2 top fives.
5. StarJW - 30 points/ 6 top fives.

Overall Scores...

Sweet new uploader lets the images show larger. Technology! You can still click on images to make them even larger.

Tim's a fuckin' cheater.
Steve makes another incremental gain on Dug.
Everyone has a win. Parity! I believe this is the first season where everyone has at least one win.

1. thermann - 685 points (1 win)
2. KBKer - 655 points (4 wins)
3. TheHQ - 645 points (2 wins)
4. dr336g - 640 points (3 wins)
5. MotoMax - 605 points (1 win)
5. MOrice - 605 points (1 win, Huzzah!)
6. JasonChief - 595 points (2 wins)
7. Star753 - 580 points (1 win)
8. Dougal - 575 points (3 wins)
9. Boxcar - 550 points (1 win)

Monday, April 16, 2012

So, yeah...

I'd expect to see this during the outdoors.

Although, Makita's gone I think. How about a Red Bull / Suzuki / JSE team for the Nationals or for SX 2013 maybe? Mookie Joining him in 2013?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Orleams Track Map...

This is not good...

If you're a real sadist you might want to watch this full screen. This is from a couple weekends ago at Pala. Things go south around the 1:20 mark. What initially looks like five dudes crashing from landing on a downed bike is really five or six dudes crashing after landing on Bryce Vallee (the downed rider). Cacao!

Some random Houston Stuff...

click on any of the photos to enlarge them.

Dammit K-Dub!

This is Sean Hackley, things are not going so good here for Mr. Hackley.

Things are now going considerably worse for Mr. Hackley.

It would seem that Roczen is mashing Sean here but he's not, Roczen's jumping over Sean at this point. Nice riding by Roczen.

... and the little German is clear of the wreck. Well, with the exception of that large motorcycle flipping towards his shoulder. But other than that, things are tits.

You've been in a pretty good one, when you hit the ground hard enough to start ripping your pant patches off.

Judging by the position of the brake lever and brake reservoir I'd say this photo was taken shortly after the one above.

Meanwhile at the GPs...

click on any of the photos to enlarge them.

Ken's been wondering what Pourcel's been up to.

Whoa, take it easy Bro. Euro huck.

You might think this is a photo of Josh Hansen but no, it's Tommy Searle cruising around a Dutch sand track last weekend.

Not sure what's up with Maurie's buddies at KTM but for whatever reason they're running two different 450s in the GPs. Looks like Max Nagl (12) gets the same bike Dungey's racing, while Ken Dyjecker (9) get's a 2011/12 production based bike. Weird.

Apparently, I'm easily amused. What can I say, I like hand formed exhausts. Craftsmanship! However, I must say, the welds on this factory Honda's downtube (frame) look like the dog's dinner.

New Orleans rider list...

Blake Baggett. You know, just kickin' it Brah.

Stewart's out (personally, I don't think we'll see him again, indoors or out), Windham's out too. Short, Wey, Hill, Hansen and Tedesco are back though, so there's that. Also, this is the last 250 East round 'til Las Vegas.

450's -

The Contenders - Villopoto, Brayton, Weimer, Grant, Windham, M.Alessi, Hansen, Metcalfe,Milsaps, Hahn, Tedesco
The Challengers - Hill, Tickle, Faith, Albertson, Chisholm, Thomas, Goerke, Peick
The Injured - James 'Bubba' Stewart, broken wrist and butt hurt emotionally. Nick Wey, hernia (of all things). Ryan Dungey, broken collar bone. Kyle Partridge, smushed foot, broke neck. Andrew Short, jacked up shoulder. Chad Reed, torn ACL, busted back, busted ribs, busted tib/fib. Nico Izzi jacked wrist. Austin Stroupe, busted something or other. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. Blose, shoulder injury. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250's -
The Contenders - Barcia, Roczen, Canada, Baggett, Wharton, M.Stewart, Lemoine, Bogle, Durham, Cunningham
The Challengers - Martin, Smith, Vincent, Sewell, Weeck, Hewitt, Hackley, D. Tedder, Lipanovich, Rife, Nicoletti, Cantanzaro
The injured - Jimmy DeCotis, busted something or other. Gannon Audette, busted wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

I want to go to New Orleans and I want to stay at the hotel owned by Greg Dulli and get shit-faced drunk on rye in the hotel bar and maybe make bad decisions with a lady who may or may not be a prostitute. God, that sounds like fun.

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Los totales de Houston, como no...

Zach Osborne is hurt but his bike still made it to the first GP of the year on Monday. Those Euro/Monster/Yamaha mechanics sure run some pretty provocative uniforms.

Bricks have been shat.
Now I'm concerned those dirty motherbitch Mayan's might have been on to something. Time to cultivate an intravenous drug problem and start having unprotected love makin' with ladies of loose moral fiber. We have nothing to lose. 'Cause really, I do believe the end is near my friends - Steven has won one and won with the same team he had for Toronto. Cacao!

1. Steven Michael Martinez - 50 points/ 3 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. Doog - 45 points/ 3 exacts, 3 top fives.
2. Jasohncheef - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
3. HQ - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
3. kaybeekay - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
3. MOphandle - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
3. DON't336g - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
4. thermanns - 35 points/ 1 exact, 5 top fives.
4. Starvolta - 35 points/ 1 exact, 5 top five.
5. c'moncholula - 30 points/ 6 top fives.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Overall totals...

RV's 2012 Championship don't count (if you follow a certain someone's logic).

30 points now seperates 2nd from 1st and last from 2nd to last. Which is kinda close, really.

1. thermann - 640 points (1 win)
2. Smutfoot - 610 points (4 wins)
3. dr336g - 600 points (3 wins)
3. HQ - 600 points (2 wins)
4. MotoMax - 570 points (1 win)
5. JasonChef - 565 points (2 wins)
6. elMO - 555 points (bagel, goose egg, zilch, nada, zero, naught)
7. Starship75thrice - 550 points (1 win)
8. doogly - 540 points (3 wins)
9. Box - 510 points (1 win)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Houston rider list...

I sure hope Bogle gets it together here pretty quick 'cause the kid's got style for miles.

Stewart's back, let the crashing begin! Hill makes his return too. Cunningham shakes off his nap on the track at Indy and will be lining up on the 250f gate.

450's -
The Contenders - Villopoto, Stewart, Brayton, Weimer, Grant, Windham, M.Alessi, Hansen, Metcalfe,Milsaps, Hahn
The Challengers - Hill, Tickle, Faith, Albertson, Chisholm, Thomas, Goerke, Peick
The Injured - Nick Wey, hernia (of all things). Ryan Dungey, broken collar bone. Kyle Partridge, smushed foot, broke neck. Andrew Short, jacked up shoulder. Chad Reed, torn ACL, busted back, busted ribs, busted tib/fib. Nico Izzi jacked wrist. Austin Stroupe, busted something or other. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. Blose, shoulder injury. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250's -
The Contenders - Barcia, Roczen, Canada, Baggett, Wharton, M.Stewart, Lemoine, Bogle, Durham, Cunningham
The Challengers - Martin, Smith, Vincent, Sewell, Weeck, Hewitt, Hackley, D. Tedder, Lipanovich, Rife, Nicoletti, Cantanzaro
The injured - Jimmy DeCotis, busted something or other. Gannon Audette, busted wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

I have bad memories of Houston. Due to delays and cancellations it once took me 17 hours to get home from that place.

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Toronto scores...

This har is Mr. Lester Smith of South Carolina (The South will rise again!). Don't know a bunch about 'ol Les 'ceptin that last year he started off racing the East SX on a Weinert racing Kawamasaki 250f. But a once the motoin' went to the out of doors though, well, Les he done found hisself on one a them there a privateer Honda 2-fiddys. But check this here out, after 'bout a race or two he done found himself a riding a right fancy JGR Yammieha 450 and a fillin in fer Justin Brayton who had done hurt his self somehow. Upon Mr. Brayton's return, well ol' Lester he got the boot from the kind folks at JGR and was a left a scratchin' at his private areas lookin' for a ride. Whens all of a sudden, who come along but them fellers at Rockstar Suzuki with a 250f a lookin' fer a replacement for Jason Anderson who'd done been benched 'cause he was a ridin' poorly. Wasn't but a few short weeks later and a Jason Anderson a returnded and Lester was once'd again searching for a steed to compete on in the motorcross circuit. And wouldn't you know it, all of a sudden like, here come them sons a bitches from JGR talkin' all kind a mess 'bout needin' a fill in for datgum Davey Duke Milsaps. Well, there goes ol' Les again a switchin' a brands and displacements just to keep his a motoin' dreams alive. Yeah (slaps knee), that Lester, he's just a good 'ol boy, never meanin' no harm, done beats all you ever saw... but I digress. So yeah, this is Les Smith he just missed the 250 Main in Toronto. Man, take a look at them sweet ass Öhlins forks on that pumpkin. Nice.

Commanderchalupa finally wins one (kinda) and Kent sorta wins too. Leaving only Steven and Charles as winless wonders. I really thought I had this one in the bag.

1. commandercholula - 65 points/ 4 exacts, 5 top fives.
1. KBK167 - 65 points/ 4 exacts, 5 top fives.
2. Boxcar - 60 points/ 4 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. thermann - 60 points/ 4 exacts 4 top fives.
2. HQ - 60 points/ 1 exact, 7 top fives plus tha muthafunkin' 10 place exact. Werd.
3. MOrbidangel - 55 points/ 5 exacts, 1 top five.
4. Star753 - 50 points/ 2 exacts, 6 top fives.
4. dr336g - 50 points/ 2 exacts, 6 top fives.
5. JasonChief - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
6. Dug-out - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.

Overall totals...

This here is Mr. Ryan Clark he just missed the 450 main in Toronto. Good lord, look at the size of the silencer on that thing. I bet that bike sounds like The Jetson's car.

Tim's still a putz. Maxwell grabs the lead in the Woempner intramural tournament. Actually, out of the three Woempners competing it looks like Max may be the one with a shot at CFSC crown. Boxcutter makes a 40 point jump on Dugh (who has 3 wins and is still in second to last). All the other scores and placing are pffft, whatevs bro.

1. thermajesty - 605 points (1 win)
2. KBeeker - 570 points (4 wins)
3. The Q - 560 points (2 wins)
3. Dreedle - 560 points (3 wins)
4. commandantechuckles - 540 points (1 win)
5. StrandedinTexas - 520 points (2 wins)
6. Starterjelly - 515 points (1 win)
6. eMOtional - 515 points
7. Drugged - 495 points (3 wins)
8. Steven Michael Martinez - 460 points

Friday, March 23, 2012

Toronto Track Map...

Toronto rider list...

Stewart is out due to last weeks motorcycle to head incident following his crash.
Hansen is out also due to a jacked up leg.
Windham and Chisholm are game-time decisions as to if they race but indications are they will race.
Wey and Cunningham are out and Wil Hahn takes over the fill-in Honda ride from Seely (so no Seely). Musquin's gone from the big boys, look for him when the West Lites start back up in a couple weeks.

450's -
The Contenders - Villopoto, Brayton, Weimer, Grant, Windham, M.Alessi, Hansen, Metcalfe, Milsaps, Hahn
The Challengers - Tickle, Faith, Albertson, Chisholm, Thomas, Goerke, Peick
The Injured - James 'Bubba' Stewart, concussed. Nick Wey, hernia (of all things). Ryan Dungey, broken collar bone. Kyle Partridge, smushed foot, broke neck. Andrew Short, jacked up shoulder. Chad Reed, torn ACL, busted back, busted ribs, busted tib/fib. Nico Izzi jacked wrist. Austin Stroupe, busted something or other. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. Blose, shoulder injury. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Hill, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250's -
The Contenders - Barcia, Roczen, Canada, Baggett, Wharton, M.Stewart, Lemoine, Bogle, P.J. Larsen, Durham,
The Challengers - Martin, Smith, Vincent, Sewell, Weeck, Hewitt, Hackley, D. Tedder, Lipanovich, Rife, Nicoletti, Cantanzaro
The injured - Kyle Cunningham, concussed. Jimmy DeCotis, busted something or other. Gannon Audette, busted wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Toronto's cool, went drinking there once with a bunch of Austrians and Canadians, played a round of golf just outside of the city too. Good times.

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Indy scores...

Damn it kid. Oh what could have been, if K-Roc could have kept it together...

Stewart, Roczen and Windham pretty much jacked up everybody. Dug's wild guesses pay off this week as he went from the lowest score last week to the highest score this week.

1. Duhg - 50 points/ 4 exacts, 2 top fives.
2. JasonChief - 45 points/ 3exacts, 3 top fives.
2. Kenner - 45 points/ 3 exacts, 3 top fives.
3. Boxette - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
3. StarJ - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
3. thermann - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
3. HQ - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
4. MOtion - 35 points/ 2 exacts, 3 top fives.
4. commandercholula - 35 points/1 exact, 5 top fives.
5. drLASTg - 30 points/6 top fives.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Overall totals...


Tim holds fast out front. 2nd place looks like it's going to get fun, Donny, KBK & HQ are bunched up with only 10 points separating them. Max and Jason tie for the lead in the Woempner intramural competition. Dug's got three wins and is still in danger of owing someone a Chicken Fried Steak next year if Steve can grab some strong finishes in the stretch run.

1. thermann - 545 points (1 win)
2. dr336g - 510 points (3 wins)
3. KBK1six7 - 505 points (3 wins)
4. HQ - 500 points (2 wins)
5. JasonChief - 475 points (2 wins)
5. commandercholula - 475 points
6. StarDub - 465 points (1 win)
7. MOose - 460 points
8. Dugg - 455 points (3 wins)
9. Boxer - 400 points

Friday, March 16, 2012

Indy track map...

Indy rider list...

Josh Grant should be lining up for this race. Could JG be 10th this week?

450's -
The Contenders - Villopoto, Seely, Brayton, Weimer, Grant, Stewart, Windham, M.Alessi, Hansen, Metcalfe
The Challengers - Tickle, Faith, Laninovich, Albertson, Chisholm, Milsaps, Wey, Thomas, Goerke, Peick
The Injured - Ryan Dungey, broken collar bone. Kyle Partridge, smushed foot, broke neck. Andrew Short, jacked up shoulder. Chad Reed, torn ACL, busted back, busted ribs, busted tib/fib. Nico Izzi jacked wrist. Austin Stroupe, busted something or other. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. Blose, shoulder injury. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Hill, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250's -
The Contenders - Barcia, Roczen, Canada, Baggett, Wharton, M.Stewart, Lemoine, Bogle, P.J. Larsen, Durham, Cunningham
The Challengers - Martin, Smith, Vincent, Sewell, Weeck, Hewitt, Hackley, D. Tedder, Lipanovich, Rife, Nicoletti, Cantanzaro
The injured - Jimmy DeCotis, busted something or other. Gannon Audette, busted wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Have any of you ever been to Indiana? I can see absolutely no reason to go there, unless you were going to watch the Indianapolis SX.

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Daytona scores...

D.Reed grabs win #3 and looks like a viable contender this year. thermann, Box, Max and Jay all had decent scores this week. Dug doesn't enter a team and uses a Mulligan (10 points less than the lowest score) for this round. Steve calls it, the one week he doesn't pick Stewart is the week Stewart wins.

1. dr336g - 70 points/ 5 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. thermann - 50 points/ 3 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. Boxcar - 50 points/ 3 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. motomax - 50 points/ 3 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. Starla - 50 points/ 2 exacts, 6 top fives.
3. KBK167 - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
4. HQ - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
4. MOped - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
5. JasonChief - 35 points/ 1 exact, 5 top fives.
6. Dug - 25 points/ DNS - Mulligan Team 1.

Overall totals...

shermann crosses the 500 point threshold and a bit of movement behind him. dr336g and Starcorky move up the standings, Dug plummets and the Woempner's bunch up.

1. thermann - 505 points (1 win)
2. dr336g - 480 points (3 wins)
3. HQ - 460 points (2 wins)
3. KBK - 460 points (3 wins)
4. motomax - 440 points
5. JasonChief - 430 points (2 wins)
6. StarDub - 425 points (1 win)
6. MOplease - 425 points
7. Dug - 405 points (2 wins)
8. Boxcar - 360 points