Friday, March 30, 2012

Houston rider list...

I sure hope Bogle gets it together here pretty quick 'cause the kid's got style for miles.

Stewart's back, let the crashing begin! Hill makes his return too. Cunningham shakes off his nap on the track at Indy and will be lining up on the 250f gate.

450's -
The Contenders - Villopoto, Stewart, Brayton, Weimer, Grant, Windham, M.Alessi, Hansen, Metcalfe,Milsaps, Hahn
The Challengers - Hill, Tickle, Faith, Albertson, Chisholm, Thomas, Goerke, Peick
The Injured - Nick Wey, hernia (of all things). Ryan Dungey, broken collar bone. Kyle Partridge, smushed foot, broke neck. Andrew Short, jacked up shoulder. Chad Reed, torn ACL, busted back, busted ribs, busted tib/fib. Nico Izzi jacked wrist. Austin Stroupe, busted something or other. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. Blose, shoulder injury. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250's -
The Contenders - Barcia, Roczen, Canada, Baggett, Wharton, M.Stewart, Lemoine, Bogle, Durham, Cunningham
The Challengers - Martin, Smith, Vincent, Sewell, Weeck, Hewitt, Hackley, D. Tedder, Lipanovich, Rife, Nicoletti, Cantanzaro
The injured - Jimmy DeCotis, busted something or other. Gannon Audette, busted wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

I have bad memories of Houston. Due to delays and cancellations it once took me 17 hours to get home from that place.

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Toronto scores...

This har is Mr. Lester Smith of South Carolina (The South will rise again!). Don't know a bunch about 'ol Les 'ceptin that last year he started off racing the East SX on a Weinert racing Kawamasaki 250f. But a once the motoin' went to the out of doors though, well, Les he done found hisself on one a them there a privateer Honda 2-fiddys. But check this here out, after 'bout a race or two he done found himself a riding a right fancy JGR Yammieha 450 and a fillin in fer Justin Brayton who had done hurt his self somehow. Upon Mr. Brayton's return, well ol' Lester he got the boot from the kind folks at JGR and was a left a scratchin' at his private areas lookin' for a ride. Whens all of a sudden, who come along but them fellers at Rockstar Suzuki with a 250f a lookin' fer a replacement for Jason Anderson who'd done been benched 'cause he was a ridin' poorly. Wasn't but a few short weeks later and a Jason Anderson a returnded and Lester was once'd again searching for a steed to compete on in the motorcross circuit. And wouldn't you know it, all of a sudden like, here come them sons a bitches from JGR talkin' all kind a mess 'bout needin' a fill in for datgum Davey Duke Milsaps. Well, there goes ol' Les again a switchin' a brands and displacements just to keep his a motoin' dreams alive. Yeah (slaps knee), that Lester, he's just a good 'ol boy, never meanin' no harm, done beats all you ever saw... but I digress. So yeah, this is Les Smith he just missed the 250 Main in Toronto. Man, take a look at them sweet ass Öhlins forks on that pumpkin. Nice.

Commanderchalupa finally wins one (kinda) and Kent sorta wins too. Leaving only Steven and Charles as winless wonders. I really thought I had this one in the bag.

1. commandercholula - 65 points/ 4 exacts, 5 top fives.
1. KBK167 - 65 points/ 4 exacts, 5 top fives.
2. Boxcar - 60 points/ 4 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. thermann - 60 points/ 4 exacts 4 top fives.
2. HQ - 60 points/ 1 exact, 7 top fives plus tha muthafunkin' 10 place exact. Werd.
3. MOrbidangel - 55 points/ 5 exacts, 1 top five.
4. Star753 - 50 points/ 2 exacts, 6 top fives.
4. dr336g - 50 points/ 2 exacts, 6 top fives.
5. JasonChief - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
6. Dug-out - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.

Overall totals...

This here is Mr. Ryan Clark he just missed the 450 main in Toronto. Good lord, look at the size of the silencer on that thing. I bet that bike sounds like The Jetson's car.

Tim's still a putz. Maxwell grabs the lead in the Woempner intramural tournament. Actually, out of the three Woempners competing it looks like Max may be the one with a shot at CFSC crown. Boxcutter makes a 40 point jump on Dugh (who has 3 wins and is still in second to last). All the other scores and placing are pffft, whatevs bro.

1. thermajesty - 605 points (1 win)
2. KBeeker - 570 points (4 wins)
3. The Q - 560 points (2 wins)
3. Dreedle - 560 points (3 wins)
4. commandantechuckles - 540 points (1 win)
5. StrandedinTexas - 520 points (2 wins)
6. Starterjelly - 515 points (1 win)
6. eMOtional - 515 points
7. Drugged - 495 points (3 wins)
8. Steven Michael Martinez - 460 points

Friday, March 23, 2012

Toronto Track Map...

Toronto rider list...

Stewart is out due to last weeks motorcycle to head incident following his crash.
Hansen is out also due to a jacked up leg.
Windham and Chisholm are game-time decisions as to if they race but indications are they will race.
Wey and Cunningham are out and Wil Hahn takes over the fill-in Honda ride from Seely (so no Seely). Musquin's gone from the big boys, look for him when the West Lites start back up in a couple weeks.

450's -
The Contenders - Villopoto, Brayton, Weimer, Grant, Windham, M.Alessi, Hansen, Metcalfe, Milsaps, Hahn
The Challengers - Tickle, Faith, Albertson, Chisholm, Thomas, Goerke, Peick
The Injured - James 'Bubba' Stewart, concussed. Nick Wey, hernia (of all things). Ryan Dungey, broken collar bone. Kyle Partridge, smushed foot, broke neck. Andrew Short, jacked up shoulder. Chad Reed, torn ACL, busted back, busted ribs, busted tib/fib. Nico Izzi jacked wrist. Austin Stroupe, busted something or other. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. Blose, shoulder injury. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Hill, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250's -
The Contenders - Barcia, Roczen, Canada, Baggett, Wharton, M.Stewart, Lemoine, Bogle, P.J. Larsen, Durham,
The Challengers - Martin, Smith, Vincent, Sewell, Weeck, Hewitt, Hackley, D. Tedder, Lipanovich, Rife, Nicoletti, Cantanzaro
The injured - Kyle Cunningham, concussed. Jimmy DeCotis, busted something or other. Gannon Audette, busted wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Toronto's cool, went drinking there once with a bunch of Austrians and Canadians, played a round of golf just outside of the city too. Good times.

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Indy scores...

Damn it kid. Oh what could have been, if K-Roc could have kept it together...

Stewart, Roczen and Windham pretty much jacked up everybody. Dug's wild guesses pay off this week as he went from the lowest score last week to the highest score this week.

1. Duhg - 50 points/ 4 exacts, 2 top fives.
2. JasonChief - 45 points/ 3exacts, 3 top fives.
2. Kenner - 45 points/ 3 exacts, 3 top fives.
3. Boxette - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
3. StarJ - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
3. thermann - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
3. HQ - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
4. MOtion - 35 points/ 2 exacts, 3 top fives.
4. commandercholula - 35 points/1 exact, 5 top fives.
5. drLASTg - 30 points/6 top fives.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Overall totals...


Tim holds fast out front. 2nd place looks like it's going to get fun, Donny, KBK & HQ are bunched up with only 10 points separating them. Max and Jason tie for the lead in the Woempner intramural competition. Dug's got three wins and is still in danger of owing someone a Chicken Fried Steak next year if Steve can grab some strong finishes in the stretch run.

1. thermann - 545 points (1 win)
2. dr336g - 510 points (3 wins)
3. KBK1six7 - 505 points (3 wins)
4. HQ - 500 points (2 wins)
5. JasonChief - 475 points (2 wins)
5. commandercholula - 475 points
6. StarDub - 465 points (1 win)
7. MOose - 460 points
8. Dugg - 455 points (3 wins)
9. Boxer - 400 points

Friday, March 16, 2012

Indy track map...

Indy rider list...

Josh Grant should be lining up for this race. Could JG be 10th this week?

450's -
The Contenders - Villopoto, Seely, Brayton, Weimer, Grant, Stewart, Windham, M.Alessi, Hansen, Metcalfe
The Challengers - Tickle, Faith, Laninovich, Albertson, Chisholm, Milsaps, Wey, Thomas, Goerke, Peick
The Injured - Ryan Dungey, broken collar bone. Kyle Partridge, smushed foot, broke neck. Andrew Short, jacked up shoulder. Chad Reed, torn ACL, busted back, busted ribs, busted tib/fib. Nico Izzi jacked wrist. Austin Stroupe, busted something or other. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. Blose, shoulder injury. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Hill, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250's -
The Contenders - Barcia, Roczen, Canada, Baggett, Wharton, M.Stewart, Lemoine, Bogle, P.J. Larsen, Durham, Cunningham
The Challengers - Martin, Smith, Vincent, Sewell, Weeck, Hewitt, Hackley, D. Tedder, Lipanovich, Rife, Nicoletti, Cantanzaro
The injured - Jimmy DeCotis, busted something or other. Gannon Audette, busted wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Have any of you ever been to Indiana? I can see absolutely no reason to go there, unless you were going to watch the Indianapolis SX.

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Daytona scores...

D.Reed grabs win #3 and looks like a viable contender this year. thermann, Box, Max and Jay all had decent scores this week. Dug doesn't enter a team and uses a Mulligan (10 points less than the lowest score) for this round. Steve calls it, the one week he doesn't pick Stewart is the week Stewart wins.

1. dr336g - 70 points/ 5 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. thermann - 50 points/ 3 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. Boxcar - 50 points/ 3 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. motomax - 50 points/ 3 exacts, 4 top fives.
2. Starla - 50 points/ 2 exacts, 6 top fives.
3. KBK167 - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
4. HQ - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
4. MOped - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
5. JasonChief - 35 points/ 1 exact, 5 top fives.
6. Dug - 25 points/ DNS - Mulligan Team 1.

Overall totals...

shermann crosses the 500 point threshold and a bit of movement behind him. dr336g and Starcorky move up the standings, Dug plummets and the Woempner's bunch up.

1. thermann - 505 points (1 win)
2. dr336g - 480 points (3 wins)
3. HQ - 460 points (2 wins)
3. KBK - 460 points (3 wins)
4. motomax - 440 points
5. JasonChief - 430 points (2 wins)
6. StarDub - 425 points (1 win)
6. MOplease - 425 points
7. Dug - 405 points (2 wins)
8. Boxcar - 360 points

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Daytona Track Map...

Daytona rider list...

Take a wild guess at whose mother this is.

If you guessed James Stewart, you're wrong. If you guessed Blake Wharton, Congratulations!

450's -
The Contenders - Villopoto, Seely, Dungey, Brayton, Weimer, Stewart, Windham, M.Alessi, Hansen, Metcalfe
The Challengers -Tickle, Faith, Laninovich, Albertson, Chisholm, Milsaps, Wey, Thomas, Goerke, Peick
The Injured - Kyle Partridge, smushed foot, broke neck. Andrew Short, jacked up shoulder. Chad Reed, torn ACL, busted back, busted ribs, busted tib/fib. Nico Izzi jacked wrist. Austin Stroupe, busted something or other. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. Grant, shoulder injury. Blose, shoulder injury. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Hill, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250's -
The Contenders - Barcia, Roczen, Baggett, Wharton, M.Stewart, Lemoine, Bogle, P.J. Larsen, Durham, Cunningham
The Challengers - Martin, Smith, Vincent, Sewell, DeCotis, Weeck, Hewitt, Hackley, D. Tedder, Lipanovich, Rife, Nicoletti, Cantanzaro
The injured - Gannon Audette, busted wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Florida's a very strange place, lots of fucked up shit happens there. Good luck in Florida!

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Click on this picture to enlarge it. Go ahead, I dare you.

So Kyle Partridge had a small incident in practice at St. Louis and wound up exploding his foot (think squeezing an orange in your hand 'til it popped). Added bonus, he also broke his neck...

Kyle Partridge wrote : Here's what happened in the crash... It was during the second and final timed practice and near the end of it. Anyways, I was on one of my laps and came out of the over under and coming out of it, it was getting really choppy and I hit something that kicked the whole right side of the bike into the wall which is what ultimately is how my foot got crushed in between the wall and the frame of my bike. Then the bike high sided me and I landed butt first facing backwards slamming my head into the ground. At first the pain from my foot was the only thing I could feel. As well as my boot filing up with blood. When I got to the hospital my neck started hurting really bad and they put a C collar on me and found out I broke my C3 and C4 vertebrae. They found no breaks in my foot other then the big toe. I am getting surgery on my neck tomorrow evening to stabilize the 2 vertebrae, they are just waiting for the swelling to go down. I have full movement of all my limbs so that's a huge plus. I really want to thank all you guys for the good wishes as well as the whole team that has stuck behind me through all of this...

Enjoy your lunch.

St. Louis scores...

Hanny's helmet appears to want to party like it's 1979.

He knew he had it on Saturday night (during our highly secret and incredibly exclusive almost weekly get togethers) and was sashaying around all high falutin', so a begrudged, belated congratulations to Mr. Herman. He finally won one.

1. thermann - 85 points/ 6 exacts, 4 top fives plus the 10th place exact.
2. JasonChief - 75 points/ 4 exacts, 4 top fives plus the 10th place exact.
3. KBKsquatch - 60 points/ 4 exacts, 4 top fives.
3. Donald - 60 points/ 4 exacts, 4 top fives.
4. Jaypan - 55 points/ 4 exacts, 3 top fives
4. MOregon - 55 points/ 3 exacts, 5 top fives.
4. motomaxwell - 55 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives plus the 10th place exact.
5. Grimace - 50 points/ 2 exacts, 6 top fives.
6. Caja - 40 points/ 1 exact. 6 top fives.
7. Douglie - 35 points/ 7 top fives.

Overall totals...

Everybody wants some!
Alex looks like Blake Wharton's developmentally disabled brother. Eddie looks like a slutty stoner chick. Note: if you're gonna try and look tough, maybe ride a full-sized motorcycle. '77 YZ 80's are not the macho-ist of machines.

Tim takes the lead and is also a full blown gay. Jason keeps rising in the standings. Steve keeps the light on in the cellar.

1. thermann - 455 points (1 win)
2. HQ - 420 points (2 wins)
3. KBKfoot - 415 points (3 wins)
4. dr336g - 410 points (2 wins)
5. JasonChief - 395 points (2 wins)
6. motomax - 390 points
7. MOroon - 385 points
8. Dugged - 380 points (2 wins)
9. Jaystar - 375 points (1 win)
10. Box - 310 points

Friday, March 2, 2012

St. Louis track map...

St. Louis rider list...

450's -
The Contenders - Villopoto, Seely, Dungey, Brayton, Weimer, Stewart, Short, Windham, M.Alessi, Hansen, Metcalfe, Tickle
The Challengers - Izzi, Faith, Laninovich, Albertson, Chisholm, Milsaps, Wey, Thomas, Partridge, Goerke, Peick
The Injured - Chad Reed, torn ACL, busted back, busted ribs, busted tib/fib. Austin Stroupe, busted something or other. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. Grant, shoulder injury. Blose, shoulder injury. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Hill, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250's -
The Contenders - Barcia, Roczen, Baggett, Wharton, M.Stewart, Lemoine, Bogle, P.J. Larsen, Durham, Cunningham
The Challengers - Martin, Smith, Vincent, Sewell, DeCotis, Weeck, Hewitt, Hackley, D. Tedder, Lipanovich, Rife, Nicoletti, Cantanzaro
The injured - Gannon Audette, busted wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Good Luck in whatever shitty fly-over state this race is in.

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Atlanta scores...

Ken shares this young lady's sentiment.

Jason's had some strong finishes the last few weeks and takes it this week. While he may currently be last in the standings, Steve wins the most creative rider names category (Wharton Plaza was my favorite).

1. JasonChief - 60 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives plus the 10th place exact.
2. HQ - 50 points/ 2 exacts, 6 top fives.
2. thermann - 50 points/ 2 exacts, 6 top fives.
3. DigDug - 45 points/ 3 exacts, 3 top fives.
3. MOby Dickless - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
4. commandercholula - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives.
4. dr336g - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
4. KBKOU812 - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
5. Starla - 35 points/ 1 exact, 5 top fives.
6. Boxen - 30 points/ 6 top fives.

Overall totals...


Not a lot of changes. Jay moves south. Tim and I gain some separation on Kenny.

1. HQ - 370 points (2 wins)
1. thermann - 370 points
2. KBK - 355 points (3 wins)
3. dickrubber336gonad - 350 points (2 wins)
4. Dug - 345 points (2 wins)
5. salamandercholula - 335 points
6. MOrman - 330 points
7. JasonChief - 320 points (2 wins)
7. Stardvark - 320 points (1 win)
8. Box - 270 points