I sure hope Bogle gets it together here pretty quick 'cause the kid's got style for miles.

Stewart's back, let the crashing begin! Hill makes his return too. Cunningham shakes off his nap on the track at Indy and will be lining up on the 250f gate.
450's -
The Contenders - Villopoto, Stewart, Brayton, Weimer, Grant, Windham, M.Alessi, Hansen, Metcalfe,Milsaps, Hahn
The Challengers - Hill, Tickle, Faith, Albertson, Chisholm, Thomas, Goerke, Peick
The Injured - Nick Wey, hernia (of all things). Ryan Dungey, broken collar bone. Kyle Partridge, smushed foot, broke neck. Andrew Short, jacked up shoulder. Chad Reed, torn ACL, busted back, busted ribs, busted tib/fib. Nico Izzi jacked wrist. Austin Stroupe, busted something or other. Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. Blose, shoulder injury. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.
250's -
The Contenders - Barcia, Roczen, Canada, Baggett, Wharton, M.Stewart, Lemoine, Bogle, Durham, Cunningham
The Challengers - Martin, Smith, Vincent, Sewell, Weeck, Hewitt, Hackley, D. Tedder, Lipanovich, Rife, Nicoletti, Cantanzaro
The injured - Jimmy DeCotis, busted something or other. Gannon Audette, busted wrist.
Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.
I have bad memories of Houston. Due to delays and cancellations it once took me 17 hours to get home from that place.
You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at sergio.heartburn@gmail.com