The Contenders - Short, Dungey, Tomac, Reed, Anderson, Seely, Peick, Barcia
The Challengers - McElrath, Grant, Baggett, Brayton, Tickle, Friese, Chisholm, Short, Nicoletti, Wey, LaMay, Partridge
The Injured - W.Hahn, Brayton, Wilson, Barcia, Roczen, Hill, Alessi, Albertson, Canard, Milsaps?
The Injured - W.Hahn, Brayton, Wilson, Barcia, Roczen, Hill, Alessi, Albertson, Canard, Milsaps?
250's -
The Contenders - Musquin, Savatgy, Lemoine, Bogle, Martin, Friese, Davalos, DeCotis
The Challengers - Hampshire, Rodriguez, Cantanzaro, Peters, Audette, Oldenburg, Alix, Cunningham, Smith
The Injured - Cianciarulo, Tonus
The Injured - Cianciarulo, Tonus
Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be also pick who you think the top five 250 riders will be. Super bummed. Miss you Mom.
You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at or text me your team, call the CFSC Chief Operations Officer Steven M. Martinez (Boxcar) for my number. Thanks Brah!