Thursday, January 12, 2012

Random stuff...

I can see where you could pick this guy in 1st for your 450 team...

But how many of you Nancy Boys will pick this guy in 1st for your 250 team?...

Josh Hill cruising off the track with the universal 'my leg is fucked' riding style. Broken tibia, out 4 to 6 weeks.

Windham (or 'Widman' if you're Dutch and Hungarian) huckin' it in the dark.

Zack Osborne decided to race a little SX before he heads to Europe to race the GP's. He wound up in 9th overall, not bad for a part-timer.

This photo is only here so that I might write the following words - Suck it Nico Izzi.

Canadian Kyle Beaton seems surprised to be in the night show. It was less surprising when he was unable to make the main. But, there's always next time. Go get 'em buddy...
This is one of Andrew Short's new sponsors. Apparently the game is similar to Angry Birds, only even more gay.

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