Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Click on this picture to enlarge it. Go ahead, I dare you.

So Kyle Partridge had a small incident in practice at St. Louis and wound up exploding his foot (think squeezing an orange in your hand 'til it popped). Added bonus, he also broke his neck...

Kyle Partridge wrote : Here's what happened in the crash... It was during the second and final timed practice and near the end of it. Anyways, I was on one of my laps and came out of the over under and coming out of it, it was getting really choppy and I hit something that kicked the whole right side of the bike into the wall which is what ultimately is how my foot got crushed in between the wall and the frame of my bike. Then the bike high sided me and I landed butt first facing backwards slamming my head into the ground. At first the pain from my foot was the only thing I could feel. As well as my boot filing up with blood. When I got to the hospital my neck started hurting really bad and they put a C collar on me and found out I broke my C3 and C4 vertebrae. They found no breaks in my foot other then the big toe. I am getting surgery on my neck tomorrow evening to stabilize the 2 vertebrae, they are just waiting for the swelling to go down. I have full movement of all my limbs so that's a huge plus. I really want to thank all you guys for the good wishes as well as the whole team that has stuck behind me through all of this...

Enjoy your lunch.

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