Saturday, February 15, 2014

San Diego scores . . .

Apparently these dudes were just cruisin' around the SD pits in these get ups.

Dawn and JQueef  pick the 10th place dude.

HQueer, Dawn and JQueef tie for first, that's a whole lot of grown man meat right there.

The rest of you fight for the remaining scraps of points.

 1Jason - 50 points
 1. Donald - 50 points
 1. Sergio - 50 points
 4. Sheackles - 45 points
 6. Bach's 2nd (bowel) Movement - 40 points
 6. KBKer- 40 points
 7. ZC96 - 35 points
 9. thermann - 30 points
 9. xamosity - 30 points

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