Thursday, January 26, 2012

Stuff Bro...

click on any image to enlarge.

Ms. Terrell

Ol' Marv had a tough race in L.A., expect him to be near the front in Oakland.

The 22 was pulling some ABSOLUTELY sweet passes in the main. Inside dive-bomb.

Rockstar Suzuki's Jason Anderson hit the top 5 in L.A. (as predicted last week by HQ, dig it!).

Tedesco's out for a while. He managed to bust a knuckle in L.A.

Zach Osborne has improved every round, 3rd in L.A., can he win one before he heads off to the GPs?

Roczen shows off his wrist surgery scar to let Mauri know he's ok and healing up just fine.

Jesus, the Yosh Suzuki guys have a LOT of carbon fiber stuff laying around.

Oakland Track Map...

Looks like a pretty long whoop section, if they're big look for the #7 to do really well this week.

Oakland rider list...

Plenty of new guys on the 450 injured list.

450's -
The Contenders - Villopoto, Reed, Dungey, Brayton, Weimer, Stewart, Short, Windham, M.Alessi, Hansen, Metcalfe, Tickle
The Challengers - Albertson, Chisholm, Milsaps, Stroupe, Wey, Thomas, Partridge, Goerke, Peick
The Injured - Canard, broken back. Morais, broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs. Tedesco, broken finger. Grant, shoulder injury. Blose, shoulder injury. T. Hahn, broken tibia. Hill, broken tibia. Byrne, broke neck and nose.

250's -
The Contenders - Musquin, Seely, Tomac, Wilson, Rattray, Sipes, Anderson, Osborne, Maier, Baker, Laninovich
The Challengers - Friese, Swanepol, Davalos, Izzy, D.Tedder, Vallee, Champion, Marmont, Moss, Paluzzi, Rusk, Anstie, Leib
The Injured - Wil Hahn, cracked femur. Christian Craig, out for wrist surgery. D.Tedder, broken wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Good luck in Oakland.

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pretty bad, not good...

As far as things that suck, having a motorcycle with a rider on it land on your head has to rank right up there with your peener not working. Ow. Canard gets surgery on Thursday to put some pins in a couple of his vertebrae and Morais gets to deal with a broken jaw, broken vertebrae and busted ribs.

This is never a good sign...

L.A. scores...

250 winner # 3 : E. Tomac -

Musquin, Sipes,Windham, Weimer, Short and Brayton put the hurt on quite a few teams. Anderson, Osborne and Alessi paid off handsomely for a select few. Check out the Woempners all huddled together.

1. dr336g - 70 points/ 6 exacts (!), 2 top fives.
1. HQ - 70 points/ 3 exacts, 5 top fives plus 10th place exact.
2. MOrman - 60 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives plus 10th place exact.
3. thermann - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
4. Digged - 40 points/ 2 exacts, 4 top fives
4. Boxcar - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
4. KBK1six7 - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
5. Commandercholula - 35 points/ 7 top fives.
6. BattleClaimingStarCharger753 - 30 points/ 6 top fives.
7. JustChief - 25 points/ 5 top fives.

Overall totals...

450 winner # 3 : C. Reed -

1. dr336g - 160 points (1 win)/ Uh-oh, looks like '3 Time Champ Don Reed' is back. Sonofabitch!
2. HQ - 155 points (1 win)/ Yeah! 2nd place is casual. Although 1st place would be way more nectar.
3. thermann - 150 points/ Two 2nds and a 3rd through three rounds land TeeHoDawg in 3rd overall. Uniformité!
3. Senior Product Manager Doug Osborn - 150 points/ One mediocre score drops Doug from 1st to 3rd. Ouchie.
4. BattleClaimingStarCharger753 - 135 points/ It was all champagne kisses and caviar dreams for Jay last week but he joins Doug on the slide in the standings this week.
4. MO-MANuel - 135 points/ Pretty good, not bad. Shoots!
5. Commandercholula - 130/ Low L.A. score puts a hurtin' on Max this week.
6. KBK167 - 115 points/ Two 4ths and a 5th have Kenner sitting in 6th. Maybe aim for a podium there this week, 'k guy.
7. Boxcar - 100 points/ Could this be where BC starts his steady ascent to the top? Steve climbs out of the cellar this week.
8. JustChief - 95 points/ I will say this for Jason, he gets his teams in early, not sure that's always the best strategy though. Looks like JChief built his L.A. team for the rain and unfortunately for him the rain stopped before the races started.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Oh, and this too...

Stuff an' Thangs...

click on any image to enlarge.

Some people I know find the young lady on the far right attractive. Personally, I prefer the one with the forehead you could use as a drive-in movie screen, on the far left. Although to be honest, the beady eyed one 2nd from right I find intriguing also.

Tommy Hahn decided to join the 'in-crowd' and break off his tibia. Hey, all the cool kids are doin' it.

I don't know why but Ken was all up in arms about this FOX gear - 'I hate it', 'It sucks', 'WTF', 'Bigfoot's real', sayeth The Kenner™...

Jimmy Stewart displays the proper way to enter the sand section (pretty stylishly IMO).

Josh Grant displays the not so proper way to hit the beach...

Bonus angle...

These things have been around for a couple years now and they STILL don't look production ready. I'm calling it now, Nike makes these for one more year and then pulls the plug on the whole deal. (These would be awesome to wear to the next county fair STRYPER plays.)

This cat is Jason Anderson. Look for him in the top five this weekend (250eff).


L.A. track map...

Wait, where's the whoop section?...

Los Angeles rider list...

450's -
The Contenders - Villopoto, Reed, Dungey, Brayton, Weimer, Stewart, Canard, Short, Windham, M.Alessi, Hansen
The Challengers - Metcalfe, Tickle, Tedesco, Chisholm, Morais, Milsaps, Blose, Grant, Stroupe, Wey, Thomas, Partridge
The Injured - T. Hahn, broken tibia. Albertson, busted teeth, jacked up ribs and shoulder. Hill, broken tibia. Byrne, Broke neck and nose.

250's -
The Contenders - Musquin, Seely, Tomac, Wilson, Rattray, Sipes, Andersonl, Osborne, Maier, Baker
The Challengers - Laninovich, Friese, Swanepol, Davalos, Izzy, D.Tedder, Vallee, Champion, Marmont, Moss, Paluzzi, Rusk, Anstie, Leib,
The Injured - Wil Hahn, cracked femur. Christian Craig, out for wrist surgery. D.Tedder, broken wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Good luck in Los Angeles (Roscoe's for everyone!).

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Phoenix scores...

Deano whippin' it at the finish.

1. Jerkin' Jay - 55 points / 3 exacts, 5 top fives.
2. Tim Turd - 50 points / 1 exact, 8 top fives.
2. Dug Doug - 50 points/ 2 exacts, 6 top fives.
3. Max - 45 points/ 2 exacts, 5 top fives.
3. HQ - 45 points/ 7 top fives plus the exact on 10th place.
4. Kent - 40 points/ 1 exact, 6 top fives.
4. Donald - 40 points/ 8 top fives.
5. Steven - 35 points/ 7 top fives.
6. Jason - 30 points/ 6 top fives.
7. Maurice - 25 points/ 5 top fives.

Overall totals...

Didn't think this guy would be on top of the box so quickly -

1. Dosborn - 110 points (1 Win)/ the rook keeps a slight edge
2. JayStar - 105 points (1 Win)/ doin' it for that little pooch that looks like Layne Stayley (R.I.P. Bro!)
2.Whitepower - 105 points/ Tim, off to kind of a good start - just like last year.
3. Señor Cholula - 95 points/ a good score in L.A. and Max could be leading this thing.
4. Dr.G #336 - 90 points/ used to be Don would pick Dungey for the win no matter what. The times, they have changed.
5. EssCee - 85 points - right where I want to be, look out suckas.
6. MOman - 75 points - last year's chump champ seems to be biding his time... and then he'll STRIKE with the force of a thousand adorable puppies (probably dachshunds)
6. KENt - 75 points/ - with Smutty's new computer/research tool, he'll be unstoppable.
7. JChief - 70 points/ - Jason's crap PHX score jacked him.
8. Caboose - 60 points/ Esteban, off to kind of a slow start - just like last year. Actually, I take that back, Steve might be in better shape than last year, I think. Maybe. Probably. Nope, I went back and checked and I was right the first time. In fact, Steve has exactly the same score as he did last year after two rounds. You gotta at least admire the consistency if nothing else.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

And another one's down

Well, Wilbur's on the couch for 3-6 weeks. Cracked his femur at the Honda test track.

Phoenix track map...

'My what a long start straight you have there Grandma.'
-'All the better to first turn pile up, my Dear.'

Five minutes of racing life from James Stewart's point of view...

Jesus, Josh Grant gets all kinda loose at the beginning of this thing.

Random stuff...

I can see where you could pick this guy in 1st for your 450 team...

But how many of you Nancy Boys will pick this guy in 1st for your 250 team?...

Josh Hill cruising off the track with the universal 'my leg is fucked' riding style. Broken tibia, out 4 to 6 weeks.

Windham (or 'Widman' if you're Dutch and Hungarian) huckin' it in the dark.

Zack Osborne decided to race a little SX before he heads to Europe to race the GP's. He wound up in 9th overall, not bad for a part-timer.

This photo is only here so that I might write the following words - Suck it Nico Izzi.

Canadian Kyle Beaton seems surprised to be in the night show. It was less surprising when he was unable to make the main. But, there's always next time. Go get 'em buddy...
This is one of Andrew Short's new sponsors. Apparently the game is similar to Angry Birds, only even more gay.

Phoenix rider list...

450's -
The Contenders - Villopoto, Reed, Dungey, Brayton, Weimer, Stewart, Canard, Short, Windham, M.Alessi, Hansen
The Challengers - Metcalfe, Tickle, Tedesco, Chisholm, Morais, Millsaps, Albertson, Blose, Grant, T.Hahn, Stroupe, Wey, Thomas
The Injured - Hill, broken tibia. Byrne, Broke neck and nose.

250's -
The Contenders - Musquin, Seely, Tomac, Wilson, Rattray, Sipes, Andersonl, Osborne, Maier, Baker
The Challengers - Laninovich, Friese, Swanepol, Davalos, Izzy, D.Tedder, Vallee, Champion, Marmont, Moss, Paluzzi, Rusk, Anstie, Leib,
The Injured - Wil Hahn, cracked femur. Christian Craig, out for wrist surgery. D.Tedder, broken wrist.

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Good luck in AZ (it's a dry heat).

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team at

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Four Five Oh Hardware...

click on any image to enlarge.

RV's ride. Ken just went from 6 to Midnight seeing this.

Nice looking motorbike, Dunge's Katoom. Mauri just went from 6 to midnight seeing this.

Stewart's JGR Yamaha with works Showa suspension (Yamaha normally runs KYB), custom made tank and shrouds.

Metty's RMZ. This to me is one of the better looking bikes in the pits but it doesn't take me from 6 to midnight. Might do it for Donny though.

Brayton's Factory Honda (Yosh exhaust). These things ALWAYS look good.

Reed's Factory Honda (Pro Circuit exhaust).

Mr. Windham's Factory Honda (Yoshimura exhaust). KW's kinda different, sometimes he doesn't run factory suspension.

Short's Factory Honda (FMF exhaust). Not sure what looks worse this thing or Alessi's bike.


Broc Tickle's PC 450. This thing looks sweeeeet.

Tedesco's Kawi. At least the H&H bikes aren't black anymore.

Nick Wey's Kawi. Pretty much like the H&H bikes, Pro Circuit exhaust and suspension. I think their team manager Alan Brown does the motors though.

Tommy Hahn's Honda. Hahn turned down rides to do his own thing. Hope it works out. I reckon Hahn will have more of a impact outdoors.

Josh Grant's Jeff Ward Racing Kawi. Enzo suspension FMF exhaust.

Jimmy Albertson's BTO Suzuki. These should be pretty good bikes since they're done by JGR.

Austin Stroupe's Valli Motorsports/Star Racing/Rockstar/Metal Mulisha/Ollie's Oyster Bar Yamaha (four of those sponsors are real).

Alessi's MCR 450. This thing looks like the dog's dinner. Ugh.

The Pride of Alpine, Jake Osborn runs some sweet ass Miley graphics on his steed.