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Some people I know find the young lady on the far right attractive. Personally, I prefer the one with the forehead you could use as a drive-in movie screen, on the far left. Although to be honest, the beady eyed one 2nd from right I find intriguing also.

Tommy Hahn decided to join the 'in-crowd' and break off his tibia. Hey, all the cool kids are doin' it.

I don't know why but Ken was all up in arms about this FOX gear - 'I hate it', 'It sucks', 'WTF', 'Bigfoot's real', sayeth The Kenner™...

These things have been around for a couple years now and they STILL don't look production ready. I'm calling it now, Nike makes these for one more year and then pulls the plug on the whole deal. (These would be awesome to wear to the next county fair STRYPER plays.)

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