Friday, May 20, 2011

R.I.P. Macho Man...

Fuck, he couldn't wait a day? I mean, it's all supposed to be over tomorrow anyways...
My Slim Jim's will be at half mast from this dark day forward...

An update from Brad Frace...

You remember Brad he's this guy -

check the video yo...

The Fourteen!

click images to enlarge
The mighty 14 in front of the 7...

Still leadin' the 7 around.

Oops. Apparently Windham kept telling everyone he was fine. Right up until he started spitting up blood.

K-Dub's acceptance speech from the SX awards banquet the day after the LV SX (short and sweet vid with a jab at the 7).


click on images to enlarge
This kid here with Mitch, is your 2015 lites SX and lites National champion. His name is Adam Cianciarulo. Remember that name. That complicated, long name.

Fucking Urkel! Wait... that seems harsh. Let's try this - Fuckin' Darkie! Hmm... that seems slightly worse.

Alright, this guy splits from home at 18 with a 17 year old girlfriend (Ellie) and moves to Europe knowing no one. Wins a few GPs in his rookie year and moves to the US. Fast forward a decade and the guy is a 2 time SX champ and the 2009 National MX champ and has more podiums than McGrath or Carmichael. Nice work. Stands a good chance of winning the 2011 National MX championship IMO.

Mo likes GoPro and apparently so does this delectable young lass (click on image to see Mo, I mean more).

Kawasaki let Stewart go to pick up this guy. Kawi seems to like small gingers (wonder when they'll hire Canard).

New pants next year? Maybe? ... Please.

The guy with #1 on his jersey earned that number. No matter what some assholes say.
I'd say it's 1 and 1.a with Dungey and Villopoto outdoors this year.

God, the fucker that rides this thing is fun to watch.

Here's my pick to take the whole thing for 2012...

He may be runnin' the cripple sticks for now but wait til next year. Werd.
And you can take that prediction to the bank.

And boom goes the dynamite.

Las Vegas scores...

Windham entering the track via the stands...
Mauriiiiiiiicccceee... wins the Las Vegas Round. ...Fucker.

Scores an' stuff -

1. MOD - 85 points / really kinda a so-so score but everybody's scores were pretty pooptastic.
2. Timbales - 80 points / Gloria Estefan put best I believe when she stated -
O eh, o eh, o eh, o eh
O eh, oo aah, o eh, oo aah Yah ya goh O eh, o eh, o eh, o eh O eh, oo aah, o eh, oo aah O eh, o eh Yah ya goh At night when you turn off all the lights There's no place that you can hide Oh no, the rhythm is gonna get'cha In bed, throw the covers on your head You pretend like you are dead But I know it The rhythm is gonna gey'cha Rhythm is gonna get'cha Rhythm is gonna get'cha Rhythm is gonna get you
2. GAYFOOT, KFOOT? - 80 points / Kenner needed (NEEDED) a win this round and it just didn't happen.
2. Doctor 336 Gee - 80 points / Picking Dungey 16 out of 17 times for the win was not a winning strategy for Grampa Donny this year.
3. Boxer - 75 points / Steven started the year HORRIBLY but got strong through the middle and then slowed again towards the end (he was excited, excited, VERY excited and then suddenly not so excited).
3. HQ - 75 points / FUCKED myself in all three leagues at this round. I wound up falling from 3rd to 7th in the one league I was hoping to win. Fucking Vegas.
4. Jayman - 70 points / Jay had a shot at the series overall win if he could have pulled a good score in Las Vegas. Alas, it was not to be.


Finally! It's finally, the final scores for the final time in 2011...

After 17 rounds of ridiculousness we can now crown the winner of the 2011 CFSC... And the winner is ... Mr. Don Reed! No, wait... I just wrote that out of habit.
The winner is -
click image to enlarge or to be repulsed, your choice.

Final tally (finally) -

1. MOD - 805 points (3* wins)
2. KBIGFOOTK - 795 points (3* wins)
3. HgrimacebigstomachronjeremyQ - 780 points (5* wins)
4. VonStarJaySevenFiveThree - 770 points (5* wins)
5. Mr. Herman... phone call for Mr. Herman - 725 points (3* wins)
6. El Box Caro de la Ciudad Temecula - 720 points (2*wins)
7. Poor dr336g just never got the hang of this years format - 675 points (no wins, ...geez)

Thus endeth this years fantasy SX league-eth. Good luck next year!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Vegas rider list...

This photo's for the fag with the gimpy foot (you know who you are, ya' fag).
click on image to enlarge.

450's -
The Contenders - Alessi, Byrne, Dungey, Millsaps, Reed, Short, Stewart, Stroupe, Villopoto, Windham, Weimer
The Challengers - Blose, Freise, Peick, Regal, Wey, Simmonds, Partridge
The Injured - Albertson, Boni, Brayton's a maybe for LV (back), Canard, Grant, Hill, Metcalfe,Tedesco

250 West -
The Contenders - Cunningham, Hansen, Morais, Paluzzi, Rattray, Roczen, Rutherford, Seely, Tickle, Tomac
The Challengers - Davalos, Baker, Blair, Bright, Canada, Hinson, Champion, Gilmore, Marmont, D. Tedder, Vallee
The Injured - Craig, W.Hahn, DeCotis?

250 East -
The Contenders - Anderson, Baggett, Barcia, Lemoine, Martin, R.Sipes, M. Stewart, Vincent, Wilson, Wharton(?) might already be done for the rest of the year. So pick him at your own risk.
The Challengers - Gosselaar, Rife, Audette, Izzi, Catanzaro, Futrell, Kilbarger, J.Sipes, Smith, Hewitt, Keylon, Renner
The Injured - Durham, P.J. Larsen, I. Trettel (in a coma)

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 West riders in the order you believe they will finish
and then please pick your top five 250 East riders in the order you believe they will finish. Now take a short break and rest.
And weee're baaaaack! Okay, there's more - pick the top five riders of the Dave Coombs East/West shootout. Fin!
Good luck in Sinners City...

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team

Salt Lick City scores...

Jay this Tim. Tim this is Jay.
You 'gentlemen' are the proud parents (my two Dads!) of the SLC win.

Everyone else looks likes this -

1. Tim - 45 points
1. Jay - 45 points
2. Box - 40 points
2. HQ - 40 points
3. MOD - 35 points
3. KBK - 35 points
3. 336g - 35 points

Fuckload 'O Points available in Las Vegas...

Overall totals...

Hoo boy, this looks interesting...

I would say the only one that doesn't stand a chance is probably 'Three Time Champ Donny Reed'.
Box and Shoes have a mathematical chance of winning the whole thing, but...
I believe it's gonna come down to the witty, handsome, elegant, contestants with 700 points or more becoming the first winner of the CFSC not named dr336g.

1. MOD - 720 points (2* wins)
2. KBK - 715 points (3* wins)
3. HQ - 705 points (5* wins)
4. 753 - 700 points (5* wins)
5. TH - 645 points (3* wins)
5. Box - 645 points (2* wins)
6. 336 - 595 points

One more and that's all she wrote.

* denotes at least one win that was a tie score

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Salt Lake City rider list...

This guy got second at the last race and won SLC last year. I'm just sayin'...
Also, Weimer's back for this one. It'll be interesting to see how he does on the big bikes.

450's -
The Contenders - Alessi, Byrne, Dungey, Millsaps, Reed, Short, Stewart, Stroupe, Villopoto, Windham, Weimer
The Challengers - Blose, Freise, Peick, Regal, Wey, Simmonds, Partridge
The Injured - Albertson, Boni, Brayton's a maybe for SLC (back), Canard, Grant, Hill, Metcalfe,Tedesco
250's -
The Contenders - Cunningham, Hansen, Morais, Paluzzi, Rattray, Roczen, Rutherford, Seely, Tickle, Tomac
The Challengers - Davalos, Baker, Blair, Bright, Canada, Hinson, Champion, Gilmore, Marmont, D. Tedder, Vallee
The Injured - Craig, W.Hahn, DeCotis?

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Good luck in Salt Lake City!

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team

Strangely, the GQ photo shoot makes him seem not gay...

Here's the #199 your 2000, 125 National MX Champ in a short article and photo spread -
Click on the post title above to jump to the GQ site and read the short article. When you're at the GQ site click on the camera icon below the Pastrana photo to check out all the images from the mag.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This sucks...

This is pretty gnarly. It's one of the fast amateur kids (Brad Frace). Looks like he caught his left foot-peg and got high sided off this jump while he was wide open.

Here's an update from the kid's Pops -
I just wanted to give everyone a report on Brad’s condition. Brad was in horrific crash and was life flighted to Harris Methodist Hospital. It was found that he had a crushed vertebrae in his mid-back, they rushed him into surgery for 8 and 1/2 hours. They removed all the broken pieces and implanted an artificial vertebrae and two rods. They used all the broken bone fragments to fuse five of the vertebraes together. The surgeon said everything went well. He has feeling in both legs, but is unable to move them YET. He is out of ICU already and he is scheduled to move to Baylor Institute of Rehabilitation on Wednesday for rehab for an undetermined amount of time. The Frace family would like to thank everyone for their amazing amount of support and prayers and a special thanks to Paul the medic at Oakhill MX. He made all the right decisions preventing further injury.

-Mike Frace

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Music Monday... (now on Tuesday!)

PJ Harvey lets loose with a snazzy little album 'Let England Shake'...

Check out this video from the album. There are some good songs on this one.

Click on the post title to download Let England Shake.

Salt Lake City track map...

Should be dry. But, it looks like it's gonna be COLD.

We here at The CFSC have heard rumors that everyone's favorite little German (not the one with the Charlie Chaplin 'stache and the stiff arm) might be back to race SLC and Las Vegas. Haven't read any confirmations anywhere though. Oh, and Weimer's coming back for this race and Las Vegas.

Seattle scores...

... Why?... I wook hart to get my place bootiful...
Who knew cursing could be so much FUN! This thing still makes me laugh and cry (from laughing!).
Totes awesome bro-dawg!

Uh, ... I win AGAIN!

I think that's three in a row, a.k.a. 'A Turkey', a.k.a. 'The Hat Trick', a.k.a. 'Grimacing'...

The rest of the scores look like something from the Special Olympics (where nobody finishes off the podium).

1. HQ - 35 points
2.MOD - 30 points
2. Jay - 30 points
2. Tim - 30 points
2. Box - 30 points
3. Don - 25 points
3. Ken - 25 points

On to SLC.

Overall totals...

Make sure to WD-40 the shit out of your bearings (Guy Grundy does)...

What doesn't this video have?
You have to check out Sausage Fingers breaking it down at about 3:08 into the video.
There is also an interesting snippet on unlimbited downhill skater and former professional motorcycle racer Mike Johnson.
Former 'sicle racer and downhill skater? Talk about an adrenaline junkie! Kick up your heel and relax Mike!
This video does take a bit of an uncomfortable turn at about 8:25 . That's when 'Master of the Magic Rolling Board' Ed Madeliene gets a little too chummy (for my liking) with Stacy Peralta (two-up on one board? c'mon guys).
The Baldy stuff looks cool (weird to see that place with almost no graffiti) right up until they butt hump the footage by turning it upside down (oh well). All in all, I give Pyramid Films 'The Magic Rolling Board' an enthusiastic 8.2 on the CFSC entertain-o-meter.

Everything's starting to shake out now, no more ties. She's still really close -
1. MOD - 685 points (2* wins)
2. KBK - 680 points (3* wins)
3. HQ - 665 points (5 * wins, that's right FIVE wins. Suck it.)
4. Jay - 655 points (4* wins)
5. Box - 605 points (2* wins)
6. Tim - 600 points (2 wins)
7. 336g - 560 points

Two races and six mains to go. This is going to come down to Las Vegas to see who's crowned CFSC Champ for 2011 (I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the odds are that the three time champ known as 'Three Time Champ Don Reed' will not be the 2011 CFSC Champ. Probably).

* denotes at least one win that was a tie score

Monday, April 18, 2011

Son of a Bitch...

Fuckin' Herman's...

Now I've gone from suicidal to a Nihilist (but without the impulse to destroy). I believe in nothing and am skeptical of everything. Although you have to admire Mark's commitment to his role, I mean the guy shaved his face and tucked his shirt into his shorts for God's sake.

Everyone's a fucker.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Seattle rider list...

Seattle's Villopoto's home race, also it might be muddy. Windham likes sloppy tracks, I'm just sayin'.
450's -
The Contenders - Alessi, Byrne, Dungey, Reed, Short, Stewart, Stroupe, Tedesco, Villopoto, Windham
The Challengers - Blose, Freise, Peick, Chisholm, Regal, Wey, Simmonds, Partridge, Izoird,
The Injured - Albertson, Boni, Brayton's a maybe for Seattle (back), Canard (femur) Grant, Hill, Metcalfe, Millsaps is a probably for Seattle (wrist),Weimer

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Do not pick a 250 team this week. We'll pick up the 250 West guys in Salt Lake City.

Good luck in Seattle...

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


This guy's hurt...

Broken femur apparently, guessing it's not a complete fracture because it looks like the healing time is gonna be six weeks.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

For Seattle...

This guy's in 1st.
click on image to enlarge.

We will be running 450's only this week. So pick the top five 450 guys and 10th place for the Seattle round. Please don't pick any 250's this week.

St. Louis scores...

This guy's in 2nd.
click on image to enlarge.

Me. Me. Me.
Then some ties.
Then Mr. Hey Buddy
Then those two again.
Then 753.

1. HQ - 70 points
2. MOD - 65 points
2. KBK - 65 points
3. Don - 60 points
4. Tim - 50 points
4. Box - 50 points
5. Jay - 45 points

Pretty good scores this week. God knows how next weeks scores will be.

L'en général (The overall)...

These two are constantly locating each other on the track.
click on image to enlarge.

MOD and KBK are still duking it out.
HQ surpasses JStar for second.
Steve and Tim are like Reed and Stewart and can't stop finding each other.
Donny's been getting decent scores lately but he's going to have to put together some big scores in these last few rounds to climb out of the basement.

1. MOD - 655 points (2* wins)
1. KBK - 655 points (3* wins)
2. HQ - 630 points (4* wins)
3. Jay - 625 points (4* wins)
4. Box - 575 points (2* wins)
5. Tim - 570 points (2 wins)
6. Don - 535 points

3 rounds left.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

9 seconds that will change the future...

BMX kids will be doing this in a couple years, the way skaters do ollies now.

Goddamn Euros, they adopted the metric system in the 1800's, they've been paying 4 bucks a gallon or more for gas for a decade and now all of a sudden they're kickflipping bicycles. They're from the future I bet.

You really should watch this full screen. Really.

St. Louis rider list...

Please enjoy a screen capture from the 80's SEMENial homo-erotic classic "Barebacking Puerto Rican Hardboys 3"...
Soft lights, satin sheets, Cheetos, Diet Coke and Passionfruit lube...

450's -
The Contenders - Alessi, Byrne, Canard, Dungey, Reed, Short, Stewart, Stroupe, Tedesco, Villopoto, Windham
The Challengers - Blose, Freise, Peick, Chisholm, Regal, Wey, Simmonds, Partridge, Byrne, Izoird,
The Injured - Albertson, Boni, Brayton's a maybe for St. Louis (back), Grant, Hill, Metcalfe, Millsaps is a maybe for St. Louis (wrist),Weimer

250's -
The Contenders - Anderson, Baggett, Barcia, Lemoine, Martin, R.Sipes, M. Stewart, Vincent, Wilson, Wharton
The Challengers - Gosselaar, Rife, Audette, Izzi, Catanzaro, Futrell, Kilbarger, J.Sipes, Smith, Hewitt, Keylon, Renner
The Injured - Durham, P.J. Larsen, I. Trettel (in a coma)

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Good luck in St. Louis...

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team

Dallas scores...

This kid's won 3 races this season. Would you have guessed that at the beginning of the year?
Tie win! ...Again.
Mauri and I tag team the top step of the podium.
Steve makes sweet love to the 2nd step of the podium.
Ken and Tim tie for sloppy 3rds.

1. MOD - 60 points
1. HQ - 60 points
2. Steve - 55 points
3. Tim - 50 points
3. Ken - 50 points
4. Jay - 45 points
4. Donny - 45 points

4 rounds left, I think. On to St. Louis...

Overall totals...

350cc's of anger in front of everything else.
Mauri moves into a tie for the lead with Kenner.
Jay's 10 back. I kinda get in the mix.
Steve and Tim are locked in a battle of death for a couple months now.
Donny remains in the basement but could catch Steve or Tim still, maybe.
Donny has yet to win a round
Jay has won 4 rounds and isn't in 1st. WTF?

1. KBK - 590 points (3* wins)
1. MOD - 590 points (2* wins)
2. Jay - 580 points (4* wins)
3. "Fuck you Grimace!", "Ron Jeremy!", "Hey, Big Stomach!" - 560 points (3* wins)
4. Box - 525 points (2* wins)
5. Tim - 520 points (2 wins)
6. Don - 475 points

* denotes at least one win that was a tie score

(and yes, a couple years ago when I was rocking a mustache and hadn't cut my hair in a while some motherfucker screamed "Ron Jeremy" at me from a passing car. Someday I hope to know why strangers yell shit at me.)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dallas rider list...

Stewart's mug shot. It looks way better than mine.
450's -
The Contenders - Brayton, Canard, Dungey, Metcalfe, Millsaps, Reed, Short, Stewart, Stroupe, Tedesco, Villopoto, Windham
The Challengers - M. Alessi, Blose, Boni, Freise, Peick, Chisholm, Regal, Wey, Seely, Simmonds, Partridge, Byrne, Izoird,
The Injured - Albertson, Grant, Hill, Weimer

250's -
The Contenders - Anderson, Baggett, Barcia, Lemoine, Martin, R.Sipes, Vincent, Wilson, Wharton
The Challengers - Gosselaar, Rife, Audette, M.Stewart, Izzi, Catanzaro, Futrell, Larsen, Kilbarger, J.Sipes, Smith, Hewitt, Keylon, Renner
The Injured - Durham, I. Trettel (in a coma)

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Good luck in Dallas...

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team

Toronto scores...

Your new points leader. Will he be the 2011 champ?
Jorky pours on the coals this week. Jay wins by 15 points.

Nobody picks 10th.

1. Jay - 65 points
2. Tim - 50 points
3. MOD - 45 points
3. Box - 45 points
3. KBK - 45 points
4. Don - 40 points
5. HQ - 30 points

I manage to finish last in 2 leagues this week.

Overall totals...

Dungey wins one.
It's getting tight at both ends of this thing...

1. KBK - 540 points (3* wins)
2. Jay - 535 points (4* wins)
3. MOD - 530 points (1 win)
4. HQ - 500 points (2 wins)
5. Box - 470 points (2* wins)
5. Tim - 470 points (2 wins)
6. Don - 430 points

* denotes at least one win that was a tie score

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Toronto rider list...

450's -
The Contenders - Brayton, Canard, Dungey, Metcalfe, Millsaps, Reed, Short, Stewart, Stroupe, Tedesco, Villopoto, Windham
The Challengers - M. Alessi, Blose, Boni, Freise, Peick, Chisholm, Wey, Seely, Simmonds, Partridge, Byrne, Izoird,
The Injured - Albertson, Grant, Hill, Weimer

250's -
The Contenders - Anderson, Baggett, Barcia, Lemoine, Martin, R.Sipes, Vincent, Wilson, Wharton
The Challengers - Gosselaar, Rife, Audette, M.Stewart, Izzi, Catanzaro, Futrell, Larsen, Kilbarger, J.Sipes, Smith, Hewitt, Keylon, Renner
The Injured - Durham, I. Trettel (in a coma)

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Good luck in Toronto...

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team

Jacksonville scores...

1. Tim - 40 points
2. Jay - 35 points
2. HQ - 35 points
2. MOD - 35 points
3. Box - 30 points
3. Ken - 30 points
3. Don - 30 points

No one picked 10th place this week.

Overall totals...

1. KBK - 495 points (3*wins)
2. MOD - 485 points (1* win)
3. Jay - 470 points (3* wins)
3. HQ - 470 points (2 wins)
4. Box - 425 points (2* wins)
5. Tim - 420, Legalize it! (2 wins)
6. Don - 390 points

Friday, March 18, 2011

Carlsbad, April 1982...

I think this may have been an experiment or maybe the promoters had kind of a twisted sense of humor...

Carlsbad Raceway and rain, not a phrase you want to hear - let alone participate in.
It had rained for days prior to this race.
There were about 10 or 12 people who wanted to race, so they shortened the track and raced.
It was a 1 class open displacement race so mini's to 480's were going at it.
I don't think there was a scoring sheet this day, because nobody won. Nobody finished.
My feeling is that the real hero of the day is whoever shot this video. You know that camera was as big as a microwave and probably weighed as much as an 8 year old child.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jacksonville track map...

Stewart's home race, wonder how he'll do...

Jacksonville rider list...

Seely on the Factory Honda 450 (finished 9th in Indy) -
click on image to enlarge

450's -
The Contenders - Brayton, Canard, Dungey, Metcalfe, Millsaps, Reed, Short, Stewart, Stroupe, Tedesco, Villopoto, Windham
The Challengers - M. Alessi, Blose, Boni, Freise, Peick, Chisholm, Wey, Seely, Simmonds, Partridge, Byrne, Izoird,
The Injured - Albertson, Grant, Hill, Weimer

250's -
The Contenders - Anderson, Baggett, Barcia, Lemoine, Martin, R.Sipes, Vincent, Wilson, Wharton
The Challengers - Gosselaar, Rife, Audette, M.Stewart, Izzi, Catanzaro, Futrell, Larsen, Kilbarger, J.Sipes, Smith, Hewitt, Keylon, Renner
The Injured - Durham, I. Trettel (in a coma)

Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.

Good luck in Jacksonville...

You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team