Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This sucks...

This is pretty gnarly. It's one of the fast amateur kids (Brad Frace). Looks like he caught his left foot-peg and got high sided off this jump while he was wide open.

Here's an update from the kid's Pops -
I just wanted to give everyone a report on Brad’s condition. Brad was in horrific crash and was life flighted to Harris Methodist Hospital. It was found that he had a crushed vertebrae in his mid-back, they rushed him into surgery for 8 and 1/2 hours. They removed all the broken pieces and implanted an artificial vertebrae and two rods. They used all the broken bone fragments to fuse five of the vertebraes together. The surgeon said everything went well. He has feeling in both legs, but is unable to move them YET. He is out of ICU already and he is scheduled to move to Baylor Institute of Rehabilitation on Wednesday for rehab for an undetermined amount of time. The Frace family would like to thank everyone for their amazing amount of support and prayers and a special thanks to Paul the medic at Oakhill MX. He made all the right decisions preventing further injury.

-Mike Frace

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