Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Atlanta rider list...
Dean-o has the shine...

450's -
The Contenders - Brayton, Canard, Dungey, Metcalfe, Millsaps, Reed, Short, Stewart, Stroupe, Tedesco, Villopoto, Windham
The Challengers - M. Alessi, Blose, Boni, Freise, Peick, Chisholm, Reardon, Regal, Wey, Simmonds, Partridge, Byrne, Izoird,
The Injured - Albertson, Goerke, Grant, Hill, Weimer
250's -
The Contenders - Anderson, Baggett, Barcia, Lemoine, Martin, R.Sipes, I.Trettel, Vincent, Wilson, Wharton
The Challengers - Gosselaar, Rife, Audette, M.Stewart, Izzi, Catanzaro, Futrell, Larsen, Kilbarger, J.Sipes, Smith, Hewitt, Keylon, Renner, Swanenpol
The Injured - Durham
Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.
Good luck in Atlanta!
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.
Good luck in Atlanta!
You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team atsergio.heartburn@gmail.com
Here's a couple more of Caitlin Hansen. Whoever (whom ever?) guessed this was Josh Hansen's sister was correct. Whoever figured that this lovely young lass would get a 'hey, buddy' from dr336g in Las Vegas will probably also be correct.

I love her giant head

San Diego scores...

Maurice picks the only exact. Steve and Mauri are WINNERS!
Everyone else is painted with the loser brush.
Tim now owns the distinction of scoring the lowest total so far and he still manages to take the third step on the podium. Grrreat! But, he's not alone. Mr. Reed didn't manage to get a team in this week so he received a mulligan team, which is a duplicate of the lowest scoring team for that round. Way to go Tim and Donny!
No one picked the 10th placer this week.
Exact choices are highlighted in Red.
Riders that scored no points are in Grey.
1. Boxcar - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Villopoto 3. Dungey 4. Reed 5. Millsaps 10. Alessi = 20 pts. / 250's 1. Tickle 2. Hansen 3. Seely 4. Tomac 5. Roczen = 15 pts. for 35 pts. total
1. MOD - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Villopoto 3. Dungey 4. Canard 5. Reed 10. Tedesco = 25 pts. / 250's 1. Roczen 2. Hansen 3. Tomac 4. Tickle 5. Morais = 10 pts. for 35 pts. total
2. HQ - 450's 1. Villopoto 2. Stewart 3. Windham 4. Millsaps 5. Reed 10. Byrne = 15 pts. / 250's 1. Tickle 2. Roczen 3. Seely 4. Cunningham 5. Rattray = 15 pts. for 30 pts. total
2. Von Woemp - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Villopoto 3. Dungey 4. Reed 5. Canard 10. Metcalfe = 20 pts. / 250's 1. Hansen 2. Tickle 3. Tomac 4. Roczen 5. Morais = 10 pts. for 30 pts. total
2. KBKenner - 450's 1. Villopoto 2. Stewart 3. Canard 4. Dungey 5. Reed 10. Stroupe = 20 pts. / 250's 1. Hansen 2. Tomac 3. Roczen 4. Tickle 5. Cunningham = 10 pts. for 30 pts. total
3. Herman - 450's 1. Villopoto 2. Stewart 3. Canard 4. Windham 5. Reed 10. Millsaps = 15 pts. / 250's 1. Roczen 2. Tickle 3. Hansen 4. Cunningham 5. Paluzzi = 5 pts. for 20 pts. total
3. drGAYg - 450's same as Tim's / 250's same as Tim's = 20 pts. just like Tim.
Rough scores this week.
Overall totals...

Things are looking up for Mr. Reed, he finally breached the 200 point barrier.
Steve pulls even with Tim. Can Tim keep it in front of Donny?
Frankenfoot Gyenes moves into a second place tie with Kenner.
Jay runs a lonely third for the time being.
1. HQ - 315 pts.
2. KBK - 295 pts.
2. MOD - 295 pts.
3. 7five3 - 290 pts.
4. Boxcar - 260 pts.
4. Herman - 260 pts.
5. Don 'Last Place' Reed - 215 pts.
Friday, February 18, 2011
God's nature!...
This, is a Honey Badger, watch it run in slow motion. It's pretty bad ass. Look, it runs all over the place...
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Hannah podcast...
San Diego track map...
Supposed to be showery on Saturday. Wonder how messy the track will be?
The Red Arrow that shows you the way around the track looks like it's been practicing during the week. I swear it threw a whip over the first triple. Seriously.
San Diego rider list...
Looks like it's going to be a mudder this weekend. Normally Windham would be the first guy you would pick for a wet race but he's a bit banged up right now, so...

450's -
The Contenders - Brayton, Canard, Dungey, Millsaps, Metcalfe, Reed, Short, Stewart, Windham (jacked up/sore but racing), Villopoto, M.Alessi
The Challengers - Byrne (first race back), Wey, Stroupe (hurt?), Blose, Simmonds, Regal, Tedesco, T.Hahn, Borkenhagen, Boni, Lamay
The Injured - Albertson, Chisholm, Goerke, Grant, Hill, Thomas, Weimer - maybe Stroupe? not sure his status
250's -
The Contenders - Cunningham, DeCotis, Hansen, Morais, Paluzzi, Roczen, Rutherford, Seely (Maybe not racing, hurt?) Tickle, Tomac
The Challengers - Davalos, Baker, Balbi, Rattray (Hurt?), Blair, Bright, Canada, Hinson, Champion, Gilmore, Marmont, D. Tedder, Vallee
The Injured - Craig, W.Hahn, - maybe Seely? maybe Rattray? Not sure their status.
Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.
Good luck in San Diego!
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.
Good luck in San Diego!
You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team atsergio.heartburn@gmail.com
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Houston scores...

Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but... I WIN AGAIN! And, I'm a double winner this week, as I won on another nerd league this week too.
No one picked the 10th placer this week.
Exact choices are highlighted in Red.
Riders that scored no points are in Grey.
1. HQ - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Dungey 3. Villopoto 4. Canard 5. Short 10. Roczen = 35 pts.
2. Jay753 - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Reed 3. Villopoto 4. Dungey 5. Canard 10. Chisholm = 20 pts.
2. Boxcar - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Dungey 3. Reed 4. Villopoto 5. Canard 10. Windham = 20 pts.
3. MOD - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Villopoto 3. Reed 4. Dungey 5. Canard 10. Short = 15 pts.
3. KBK - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Villopoto 3. Dungey 4. Reed 5. Canard 10. Stroupe = 15 pts.
3. dr 336g - 450's 1. Dungey 2. Villopoto 3. Stewart 4. Reed 5. Canard 10. Tedesco = 15 pts.
4. Mr. Herman - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Villopoto 3. Dungey 4. Reed 5. Metcalfe 10. Roczen = 10 pts.
Next stop San Diego!
Overall totals...

The standings after Houston -
Look out Tim, Steve's coming for you (banging hard at your back door?). Kenner drops to 2nd.
Jay and Maurice are probably the most consistent guys this year and are running near the front because of it. Don's still waiting to break 200 pts.
1. HQ - 285 pts.
2. KBK - 265 pts.
3. StarJay - 260 pts.
3. MOD - 260 pts.
4. Herman - 240 pts.
5. Boxcar - 225 pts.
6. dr336g - 195 pts.
Music Monday... (now on Tuesday!)
This here is a little snippet of Les Savy Fav and their song The Sweat Decends. The audio and video are slightly off because it's a studio recording of the song over video of a live performance of the song (the singer's really quite a showman).
If you like the song, click on the post title (Music Monday) and then download the album.
It's a nifty album, think you might dig it.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Houston podcast...
Friday, February 11, 2011
Bits and pieces...
click on images to enlarge.

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Houston track map...
There are a lot of side by side lanes on this track. It'll be real exciting when someone gets out of shape and winds up in oncoming traffic in the next lane. Lap times should be decent though, right around a minute maybe?
Houston rider list...
Roczen shaking down the 350 in preparation for this weekend in Houston -
450's -
The Contenders - Brayton, Canard, Dungey, Metcalfe, Millsaps, Reed, Roczen, Short, Stewart, Stroupe, Tedesco, Villopoto, Windham
The Challengers - M. Alessi, Blose, Boni, Freise, Peick, Chisholm, Reardon, Regal, Wey, Simmonds, Partridge, Borkenhagen, Thomas, Gosselaar.
The Injured - Albertson, Byrne, Goerke, Grant, Hill, Weimer
Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Please pick only a 450 team. Since this is the first Eastcoast Lites race we will not pick lites riders this week.
Good luck in Houston!
Good luck in Houston!
You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team atsergio.heartburn@gmail.com
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
A2 scores... (these are a day late, oops)

Take it easy Corky, you know your little Downs Syndrome heart can't take too much excitement. Jay picks the big boy podium in order plus gets the 10 placer right too.
Maurice looks in his crystal ball(s) and gets the 450 podium in order also.
Donny some how manages to score the lowest total so far this year. Nice jerb!
Exact choices are highlighted in Red.
Riders that scored no points are in Grey.
Correct 10th place choices are in Yellow.
1. Star753 - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Villopoto 3. Reed 4. Dungey 5. Windham 10. Millsaps = 40 pts. / 250's 1. Hansen 2. Tickle 3. Tomac 4. Morais 5. Roczen = 25 pts. for 65 pts. total
2. MOD - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Villopoto 3. Reed 4. Dungey 5. Canard 10. Short = 40 pts. / 250's 1. Tickle 2. Hansen 3. Seely 4. Tomac 5. Roczen = 20 pts. for 60 pts. total
2. KBK - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Villopoto 3. Dungey 4. Canard 5. Reed 10. M.Alessi = 30 pts. / 250's 1. Tomac 2. Hansen 3. Tickle 4. Roczen 5. Cunningham = 30 pts. for 60 pts. total
3. HQ - 450's 1. Villopoto 2. Stewart 3. Brayton 4. Dungey 5. Canard 10. Wey = 25 pts. / 250's 1. Tomac 2. Hansen 3. Roczen 4. Tickle 5. Seely = 30 pts. for 55 pts. total
4. Boxcar - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Villopoto 3. Dungey 4. Reed 5. Canard 10. Short = 35 pts. / 250's 1. Hansen 2. Tickle 3. Seely 4. Morais 5. Paluzzi = 15 pts. for 50 pts. total
5. Herman - 450's 1. Stewart 2. Reed 3. Villopoto 4. Dungey 5. Canard 10. Short = 30 pts / 250's 1. Hansen 2. Tickle 3. Morais 4. Paluzzi 5. Seely = 15 pts. for 45 pts. total
6. dr336g - 450's 1. Dungey 2. Stewart 3. Villopoto 4. Canard 5. Reed 10. Tedesco = 20 pts. / 250's 1. Tickle 2. Hansen 3. Morais 4. Seely 5. Davalos = 10 pts. for 30 pts. total (ouch)
Off to Houston for the next round!
Overall totals...

KBK and HQ lock bars in the lead.
MOD and Jay make moves to the front.
Steve separates from Donny and starts closing the gap on Mr Herman.
As for Donny? WTF dr336g?
1. KBK - 250 pts.
1. HQ - 250 pts.
2. MOD - 245 pts.
3. StarJay - 240 pts.
4. Herman - 230 pts.
5. Boxcar - 205 pts.
6. dr336g - 180 pts.
Who wants to lead next week?...
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Music Monday...
Some Underground Railroad To Candyland for your listening pleasure...
Click the post title (Music Monday...)to download URTC's LP 'Bird Roughs'.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Video visual gratification...
Wow. This video raises so many questions...
Questions like - Is this a boy or a girl? Is this their first day of riding? Were they hoping to get air on that incredibly small hill or was the goal just to make it up that mound? What gear is this bike constantly in... 3rd? 4th? Why must the Euro's always wear their chest protectors under their jerseys? Is it really considered a "road jump" if your suspension never loads or unloads? Who's their lawyer and how did they clear the rights to the Euro dance music soundtrack? Who can shoot a video like this of me? Follow up question to the previous one, who will shoot my portrait for the final scene of my video? Why does the tide go in and out? How are babies made? Who let the dogs out? Questions, questions questions...
Thursday, February 3, 2011
A2 track preview...
They're gonna be spending a lot of time in the air at A2. Liking the sand sections and the over / under bridge makes another appearance this week.
A2 rider list

Safety is no accident Steven. Remember people, always wear a helmet, the life you save may be your own.
450's -
The Contenders - Canard, Dungey, Metcalfe, Millsaps, Reed, Short, Stewart, Tedesco, Villopoto, Windham
The Challengers - Blose, Boni, Freise, Peick, Chisholm, Reardon, Regal, Brayton, Stroupe, Wey, Simmonds, M. Alessi, Partridge, Borkenhagen, Thomas, Gosselaar.
The Injured - Albertson, Byrne, Goerke, Grant, Hill, Weimer
250's -
The Contenders - Cunningham, DeCotis, Hansen, Marmont, Morais, Rattray, Roczen, Rutherford, Tickle, Tomac
The Challengers - Stienke, Evans, Paluzzi, Canada, Balbi, Davalos, Champion, Hinson, Baker, Seely, Vallee, D.Tedder, Blair
The Injured - Craig, W.hahn, Swanenpol
Please pick your top five 450 riders plus who you think the 10th place 450 rider will be.
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.
Good luck in Anahiem!
Also pick your top five 250 riders in the order you believe they will finish.
Good luck in Anahiem!
You can enter your team in the comments section below or e-mail me your team atsergio.heartburn@gmail.com
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Bits and pieces...
click on images to enlarge.

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