Friday, February 7, 2014

Overall scoring and what not . . .

Sweet Mammy Jammy, them there Kwackers will be lookin' sharp this weekend.
click on image to enlarge

Señorita Hermanita stretches out her cooter?
Stretches out her lead.

Last episode our valiant heroine had the slimmest of leads over the shuddering Shakeman but this week La Señorita is no longer within spitting distance of the drooling, sputtering Shakeman, 15 points now separate our two, less than virtuous characters.

Meanwhile, back at Justice League Headquarters . . .

 1Timothy - 250 points
 2. Shakedown - 235 points
 3. Bach's Carriage - 220 points
 4. zeeceeninersixer - 210 points
 7. Kenfeets - 205 points
 7. Dawnhold - 205 points
 7. Maxosity - 205 points
 9. Chiefer - 195 points
 9. Phillimina - 195 points
10. Mission Control- 180 points

Still in last, this is gettin' re-dic.

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